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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Community Council Update
- WR Public Speaking
- 2024 Enrolments
- Little Learners Term 3
- Book Parade 30th August
- Term 3 Dates
- Bethany's Garden Repairs to Bricks
- Peer Support - Week 4 and Week 5
- Bling & Boots Cocktail Party
- The Root Cause Program
- Tournament of the Minds
- Woolworths Landcare Grant
- Crazy Camel
- The School Photographer - School Photos
- Save the Date - Annual Street Stall
- Book Week - "Thank You"
- Week 2 Class Awards - Term 3
- WildCat Awards
- Radio News
- Altar Serving Roster
- Meat Raffle Roster
- Birthdays
- Community Event: Rock the Bidgee (Gundagai)
Dear St Patrick’s families,
Yesterday (Tuesday) we celebrate the feast day of our first Australian Saint, St Mary of the Cross. Mary Mackillop is remembered for her work in establishing the Josephite sisters and opening the first Catholic School in Penola. Mary dedicated her life to educating the poor in rural communities. Her motto ‘never see a need without doing something about it’ continues to inspire our efforts to organise social justice outreach programs and activities.
INTERSCHOOL PUBLIC SPEAKING: Congratulations to Leila, Jimmy, Indi, Eliza, Taite, Riley, Garvita and Abigail, who will represent St Patrick’s in the Interschool Public Speaking Competition with McAuley Catholic School representatives in Tumut on Wednesday (9th August). We wish them all the best and look forward to hearing the results.
SCHOOL COUNSELLOR: Nadia Ho, our wonderful school counsellor for the past few years, has informed us of her resignation from Catholic Care. Nadia’s final day here at St Patrick’s will be on Wednesday 16 August. We wish Nadia every blessing and happiness for the future. Catholic Care have advertised the position and will inform us as soon as possible about our new counsellor.
OPENING & BLESSING: Preparations are well underway for our Opening and Blessing of our new school administration area and upgraded Active Enhanced Playground facilities on Friday 8 September. The ceremony will begin at 11.15am in our school playground and finish with Mass at St Patrick’s church (our St Patrick's School Community are invited to attend and more information will be sent out shortly).
2023 CECG FAITH IN EXCELLENCE AWARDS: Yesterday we were notified that our wonderful REC, Mrs Kate Howe has been selected (out of 100s of application from across the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese) as the recipient of the 2023 Mission Award. Mrs Howe will be presented with her award at the CECG Recognition Mass on Thursday 24 August at St Christopher’s Cathedral in Canberra. This award recognises Mrs Howe’s significant contribution to the Catholic ethos and mission of our school and acknowledges how she lives out her faith in her everyday encounters with staff, students and the local Gundagai community. We are extremely proud of Mrs Howe and congratulate her on a very well-deserved award!
Christine Baron
St Patrick, pray for us
Expressions of Sympathy
Sam was a well-respected and much-loved student of St Patrick’s. His happy and gentle nature endeared him to his peers and staff. We share fond memories of Sam and reflect on his positive contribution to our school community. May he rest in peace.
We also send our sympathy and prayers to the Calub family, who recently were saddened by the passing of Freluz’s mother in the Philippines. Freluz, Alberto and Christyne travelled to be with their family members overseas. Our thoughts are with Albert, Shannie and Rouge on the passing of their Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
Feast of St Mary of the Cross
Mary MacKillop was an educator, a pioneer and a leader, someone who had compassion for others regardless of their situation or race. She dedicated her life to God.
Mary MacKillop had a firm belief in the value of education as the foundation for a fulfilling life. She opened her first school in a stable on 19 March 1866. Mary wanted to serve the poor, particularly educating the children who lived in the bush.
Other young women joined Mary MacKillop and worked to establish Order of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. This led her to minister in many different ways to those who were poor and marginalised.
Mary MacKillop’s attitude was always of forgiveness and respect.
We celebrated Mary’s feast day with a school liturgy presented by Year Two.
Mary’s motto was ‘never see a need without doing something about it.’
Sacrament of Confirmation.
Confirmation Preparation Day – Thursday 17th August
The children will spend the day going through the important procedures of receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation and completing our booklets.
The children will come to school out of uniform and bring their own Recess and Lunch. We will enjoy this day together in readiness for our special day.
Piety Stall - On Saturday night after Mass the Piety Stall will be open, selling Confirmation gifts, cards, and other religious items. Mrs Cal Reardon will be there to assist you in your purchasing. Please note payment will be cash only.
St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
Thank you to the St Patrick’s community for your generosity towards our recent St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. We had so many bags of clothes donated to this worthy cause. Your generosity will make all the difference, to so many people who are facing hardships. We are also able to contribute $127.00 to the appeal. A heartfelt thank you.
Kate Howe
The tuckshop is running well with the help of volunteers. There are a few dates this term which need to be filled by a volunteer. Please get in touch with Alicia if you are available to assist. It is a great way to be involved in a school day with the children, they love to see the parents in the canteen and always greet them with big smiles. The CC has purchased a new fridge for the tuckshop from fundraising money as the old fridge was not working.
Thank you to the Meat Raffle volunteers. Meat trays are now being raffled instead of butchery vouchers which seems to be a popular change as the recent profits have been good.
The Boots n Bling Cocktail Party is just around the corner. Shaun Ryan’s band ‘End of Daze’ will be the entertainment for the night. ‘End of Daze’ is a pub rock band and will play a good mix of old and modern rock classics to keep you dancing and singing well into the night. We all love Shaun’s music, and we all need a night out after weeks of wintery weather. It is an adult only event, so please book your babysitters and gather some friends to bring along. As it is a cocktail evening, you no longer need to book a table, just a ticket through Eventbrite. Tasty Table will be catering and there will be a bar available to purchase beer, wine, champagne, soft drinks, and a few simple cocktails will be on offer. We ask that you please support this fundraiser and our initiative to host an evening of quality entertainment in Gundagai.
Have you seen our St. Pat’s Events Facebook page? Please like and share this page, as it is where we will post information about fundraising and social events organised by the CC. It will ensure the school Facebook page doesn’t get overloaded with posts and will be used for school activities and education related posts.
We continue to apply for grants. Recently Kim Paton applied for a grant through the Jeremiah Wind Farm Community Enhancement Fund for representative sports uniforms. If successful, this will add to the funds donated by Riley Smith and Chase Robinson. We will keep you informed of the outcome.
A working bee will be organised for Saturday September 2nd to prepare the school for the official opening of the new administration building and the playground upgrade. Please contact the school with your availability on this day, or another way that you may be able to contribute.
The CC is looking for NEW MEMBERS as a few of the current members have served their terms and will step down at the end of the year. If you are interested, please get in touch with one of the current members or Chris Baron. The CC meets twice a term and are involved in organising various social events and assisting the school with improvements and strategic direction. We would especially love to see involvement from infant’s school parents, as most of our current members have their children in the primary years.
Kate Graham
Secretary – Community Council
WR PUBLIC SPEAKING: Congratulations to all our students in Years 3-6, who recently participated in a speak-off against other class members for selection into the WR Public Speaking Competition.
The following students were successful and will now head off to Tumut to speak off against McAuley class representatives.
Year 3: Leila Gaskin and Rueben Smart Runner Up: Jimmy Robinson
Year 4: Indi Cole and Eliza Graham Runner Up: Lachlan Hargreaves
Year 5: Taite Johnson and Riley Smith Runner Up: Corby Rose
Year 6: Garvita Joshi and Abigail Bock
Thank you to Jimmy Robinson who will now participate in the Year 3 speak off as unfortunately Reuben is unwell. We are very grateful to Mr Peter Gain for volunteering his time to coach students through to this next level. Best wishes to all our speakers.
Friday 11 August: Explore the world of books and stories.
Friday 18 August: Explore learning technologies.
Friday 25 August: Explore the world of music through sound and movement.
Friday 1 September: Explore the amazing world of science.
Friday 8 September: Explore the world of art and craft.
Friday 15 September: Teddy Bear’s picnic
Sacrament of Confirmation: Saturday 19 August
WR Public Speaking-St Patrick’s v’s McAuley: Wednesday 9 August
School Photo Day: Wednesday 16 August
Final of WR Public Speaking Comp-St Mary’s Young: Monday 21 August
Book Parade - Wednesday 30th August (children to bring in their book fair costume to parade)
Tournament of the Minds: Sunday 27 August
Footsteps Dance Program: Monday 4 Sept to Friday 8 September
Footsteps Disco for Years K-6: Thursday 7 September
Opening and Blessing of Administration area and upgrade of playground facilities: Friday 8 September
WR Choir Competition: St Mary’s War Memorial School West Wyalong: Tuesday 12 September
Bethany's Garden Repairs to Bricks
We are calling upon our St Patrick's families to find a Bricklayer to repair the bricks around Bethany's Garden. We have the bricks we are just having trouble securing a bricklayer or someone capable to repair the bricks around Bethany's Garden. If you are able to contact the office if you know of anyone. Thank you in advance.
Peer Support - Week 4 and Week 5
Week 4
This week in Peer Support the children will learn about the importance of having a go. The activities help them identify what they have already learned to do and what things they would still like to learn. The children will also explore their feelings when faced with difficulties and identify the need for courage when they try something new. During the week encourage your child to be aware of the importance of learning from their mistakes and trying new experiences.
Week 5
Next week we are celebrating successes in Peer Support. The children will identify their strengths and achievements and the role of perseverance in achieving a personal best. Ask your child to tell you about which word they chose to best describe their own strengths and qualities so you can affirm them in this area.
Only a few more weeks until our 'Bling & Boots' Cocktail Party event held at St Patrick's Hall on Saturday 26th of August (6.30pm-11pm)
If you haven't already purchased your ticket to this event the tickets need to be purchased by Monday 14th August for catering purposes (The Tasty Table). Tickets are $90.00 per person and includes canapes and entertainment by local band "End of Daze". A Bar will be available to purchase drinks from.
Please purchase your tickets before 14th August online at Eventbrite
Thank you for supporting St Patrick's Primary School Fundraising Committee
Last week we sent a message out via Compass regarding our Children's Health Program run by Justine Moore (Instructor of The Root Cause) Ms Moore is running another online program on Wednesday 9th of August at 8pm which is focusing on "Boost Sleep, Reduce Bedtime Antics & Improve Learning"
This is a FREE event for parents and teachers as part of the 12 month program for our school. To Register for this session on Wednesday evening 9th of August click on the link which will take you to the "registration page"
We are excited to announce that the Year 6 class have entered 2 teams to be part of the Riverina Tournament of The Minds challenge.
Over the next 3 weeks the students will collaborately work as a team to research, develop a plan to create a performance/solution that addresses the challenge questions in a presentation performed in a 3m by 3m square.
The two areas chosen for the challenges were:
Visual Arts "Immersion" and STEM "Birds of TOMadise.
Immersive art experiences have become popular in recent times (think Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet and events such as Vivid in Sydney and White Night in Melbourne).
The International Arts Committee (IAC) has invited teams from around the world to develop a 3D immersive art installation to represent one modern or contemporary artist and a piece of their work. The exhibition will travel the world so it needs to be portable and easy to assemble.
Your team has been asked to create an immersive art experience for the International Arts Committee. Your team needs to choose an artist from the given list, research their artworks and choose one of their artworks to use in the immersive art installation. You will need to explain the significance of your installation and why it should be included.
Your installation needs to be assembled during your presentation. Your installation must be a 3D representation of the artwork. It must not be higher than 2 metres and must fit within the 3x3m square. The installation must include a copy of the original artwork, a soundscape and the use of performance art (see sample list) to assist the building of the installation. People must be able to walk through your installation.
Birds of TOMadise
The island of TOMadise has lost most of its magnificent bird-life. The wonderful colours and antics of these birds, including their spectacular manoeuvres, were the main tourist attraction of the island. In order not to lose its tourist income, the TOMadise Tourist Company has commissioned you to produce replacement ‘exotic birds’ that will be automatically released from treetops as the tourists pass.
Your team has been selected by TOMadise Tourist Company to make the replacement exotic bird. You need to provide a hypothesis as to why the bird-life has declined and the intended effect of the replacement birds on TOMadise’s economy. The exotic bird, when released from the perch you designed, must "fly" freely and unaided with no support or guide wires. The bird will need to complete two flights. During each flight the bird will perform a different manoeuvre. The bird can be adjusted between each flight. As part of your demonstration, you must include an electronic explanation of the mathematics and science involved in your design (i.e. the bird, perch, propulsion and launch mechanisms). (See Section D for information about required specifications)
As part of the presentation, the team must announce to the judges the manoeuvre that will be attempted in each flight. The same bird, apart from repairs and/or alterations to achieve a different manoeuvre, must be used. The device and/or perch can be altered to achieve the second flight. The bird must completely leave its perch on release/launch. The actual flight must not be manually assisted in any way once launched.
The perch may be at any height provided that it is no more than 1.5m above the floor, within the 3m x 3m square, and visible to the judges.
The bird must be released/launched via a mechanism, not merely tipped by hand.
The construction must not include any electronic power sources, batteries, motors, robotics or coding devices.
The manoeuvre must be clearly visible to the judges. The landing will not be judged, However, if it does land outside the square then it may be retrieved by a single member of the team. No guarantees can be given as to the available surrounding space or height of the ceiling.
The date for presenting is Sunday 27 August.
Aunty Sue Bulger visited our Year 6 students Friday 28 July to begin discussing native plants and their use in indigenous culture. Last week Aunty Sue, Mrs Cambridge from CE, our Environmental Year 6 leaders and Mrs Hughes met to draw up some designs and plans for the cultural space and design a garden. With the help of Ms Bartlett, some initial holes were dug to place trees in to see how the garden would shape up. Once we have had some more professional advice for planting and cultivating the trees, more garden work will be completed. We are grateful to all who have shown interest in developing the native garden and improving our cultural space.
Our Crazy Camel Fundraising packs have been sent home yesterday (Tuesday 8th August) for the children to start their designs for our annual fundraiser. Each child will be given their own individual pack to design and create their own special artwork into diaries, calendars, cards, pillowcases or tea towels (great Christmas gift ideas). Keep an eye out for these packs in your child/children's bags. Orders are due back to the office by Friday 15th September to allow time to be processed and returned before the end of term 4.
The School Photographer - School Photos
Just a reminder that next Wednesday 16th of August is our school photo day. Please ensure you have returned your photo envelope to the front office or your class teacher.
If you require a sibling envelope please notify Jacki and she will send one home. Full winter uniform including a tie must be worn on the day.
Save the Date - Annual Street Stall
Our annual street stall is booked in for 14th, 15th and 16th September. Please make a note on your calendars for this popular fundraising event.
We will be calling upon our St Patrick's community for donations of baking, fresh produce, plants or plant cuttings, preserves, crafts etc to be sold on the stall over the two and a half days.
We are looking for a major raffle prize to raffle off so if there are any families who would be willing to donate either a load of wood, a dressed lamb or vouchers your kindness would be very much appreciated. Please contact Tash Smith if you may be able to assist with a raffle prize donation on 0402 094 858 or the front office.
We will shortly send out more information including a roster to be filled for those that can volunteer an hour or two of their time to sit on the stall. Thank you in advance for your continued support.
Tash Smith & Lisa Peterson (Street Stall Coordinators)
Thank you to all of our wonderful families for your support and book donations for our Annual Book Fair. We will have a final tally in the next few days of sales and profit made to our school. Thank you once again for supporting our book fair.
Congratulations to our Week 2 Class Awards
Week 2 - 28th July
Kindergarten - Juno Bock for great sounding out and recognising tricky words
Yr 1 - Billy Eccleston for consistently working at a high level in Initialit and Maths
Yr 2 - Remi Taylor for trying hard in Maths to break apart 2 and 3 digit numbers
Yr 3 - Zoe Morgan for being on task and participating during Maths lessons
Yr 4 - Lachlan Hargreaves for his participation and sharing during class discussions
Yr 5 - Charlie Brown for a fantastic start to Term 3
Yr 6 - Tessa Crowe for increased determination and achievement in Maths
Congratulations to our WildCat recipients for Week 2
RESPONSIBLE: Remi Taylor, Garvita Joshi, Lachlan Morgan, Lilly Ferguson and Kingsley McDonnell
We would like to send out a birthday wish to the following who have recently celebrated a birthday:
29th July - Nick Quine
31st July - Archie Peterson
1st Aug - Hamish Tobin
Community Event: Rock the Bidgee (Gundagai)
Tickets are on sale through Eventbite and are $15.00 per adult. Lock in the date for a fun family afternoon/evening for Saturday 28th of October.