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Dear Families and Friends
Thank you to all parents and grandparents who assisted with last week’s Athletics Carnival. What a fantastic day! We were blessed with perfect weather conditions and the students participated with great enthusiasm. Thank you to all our staff for the organisation of our carnival. Great work!
Enrolments 2018
Currently, we are in the process of accepting enrolments for 2018. If you know of any parents considering St Patrick’s, please invite them to contact us for further information or encourage them to join Supportive Playgroups or the Little learners program.
Newsletter Survey
Thank you to the 22 parents who responded to the Newsletter survey over the past three weeks about the proposed changes to the frequency of our Newsletter service. Below is a visual representation of the response.
Semester 1 Reports and Parent / Teacher Interviews
Semester One school reports will be sent home on Friday, 22nd June. All Parents and Caregivers are invited to attend Parent/teacher Interviews on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of July to discuss your child’s progress. This is an opportunity to ask questions and gather more detail about the information provided on the student report card as well as finding out ways to assist your child's learning and provide support where needed.
To assist in improving the interview process, we are inviting parents to give feedback via a short survey. Two questions will be asked in the survey and your responses are much appreciated. 9 parents have responded so far. The survey will remain open until this Friday.
The Good News
St Patrick’s school receives lots of positive comments from parents and community members who witness our students demonstrating citizenship, good manners or great performances. We also receive great comments about school functions and programs taking place. Thank you to all those parents and community members who take the time to give us positive and constructive feedback. By changing the inner attitude of our mind, we can change the outer expression of our life. Attitude is contagious. A positive attitude gives energy to you and to those around you.
Have a great week
“This life will go so fast. Don’t fight with people, don’t criticize your body or complain so much. If you make a mistake, let it go and keep seeking happiness.” Pope Francis
Term 2 School Fees are due this Friday 15 June. Prompt payment is most appreciated.
Staff Mass
On Friday Staff led the school Mass which focused on the Sacred Heart of Jesus. ‘Jesus loves us and his Sacred Heart shows us how we should love.’
Reconciliation and Holy Communion Sacraments will be made together this year.
Reconciliation will be during the preparation retreat day on Friday 24th August.
First Holy Communion will be celebrated on Saturday the 25th August.
Mass and Liturgy Times:
This term, Mass will be on Fridays at 12pm and Liturgies will be Friday at 12:30pm.
Liturgies may be held at the school, pending the weather on the day.
Dates to mark on your calendar:
15/06- Liturgy led by Years 3 and 4 (12:30pm).
22/06- Mass led by Staff and Leaders (12pm).
29/06- Liturgy led by Kinder (12:30pm).
06/07- End of term Mass led by SRC (12pm).
Thoughts/ Questions / Reflection for the week: Visio Divina
Visio Divina invites the viewer into "divine seeing." Visio Divina shares origins with the ancient practice of Lectio Divina. (Lectio Divina calls for a slow, careful interaction with scripture through meditation and prayer, allowing a word or phrase to rise in one's consciousness, a holy word to be savoured and examined.) Similarly, Visio Divina invites one to encounter the divine through images. A prayerful consideration of and interaction with a photograph in the magazine, icon, piece of art, or other visual representation allows the viewer to experience the divine in a unique and powerful way.
Visio Divina can be practised individually or with a group in a small group or worship setting by using a piece of art as a focal point for prayer. Scripture can also be paired with the image in order for the viewer to reflect on the scripture through the art.
Use this image of ‘The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus’, to encounter the divine.
1) Prepare: Close your eyes, breathe, clear your mind, and ask God to enter into this time of prayer with you. Ask God to speak to you through this image.
2) Lectio (read): Open your eyes and scan the image. Note what draws your interest, but continue to scan the whole image. Close and rest your eyes a minute.
3) Mediatio (meditate): Open your eyes and let your eyes be led. Focus on just the part of the image that caught your eyes and name it. Close your eyes, seeing that piece of the image in your mind.
4) Oratio (pray): Open your eyes and look again at the piece of the image that caught your eye. Allow it to bring forth a word, image, or emotion. Close and rest your eyes.
5) Contemplatio (contemplation): Open your eyes and gaze at the whole image. What is God speaking to you today through this image? How will you respond to Him? Spend time processing that with God. Pray or journal about it.
God Bless, Mrs Flanagan REC
What a fantastic Athletics Carnival we had last Thursday. Thank you to all of the parents, friends and staff who helped out with the organising and running of the event. Your help is always so greatly appreciated and it adds to the wonderful school community feel on the day. If you were unable to make the event then please have a look at the number of posts of the day on our facebook site. Congratulations to the students who all competed and supported their fellow classmates with enthusiasm. The Western Region team listed below will travel to Temora on 29 June. Please ensure that all notes, (including permission and medical) and money ($8.00) be returned to school by the end of the week.
Locky Eccleston, Rylee Flanagan, Tom Scott, Sam Turck, Lochie Wilson, Max Graham, William Naughton, Hugh Graham, Henry Hindmarsh, James Reardon, Charlie Hindmarsh, Isaac Pearce, William Gaskin, Josie Quine, Sadie Eccleston, Addison Fairall, Lillian McDonnell, Abbey Flanagan, Allie Sullivan, Abby McDonnell, Mia Naughton, Juliet Pearce, Alixandria Kerin, Zoe Naughton, Ellie McDonell, Lilly Cotterill & Ella Nugent.
Week 6 – Joining In with Others
In this week’s Peer Support session the children will be exploring how to join groups and how to accept others into their friendship group. The activities will give the children a chance to practise these skills, as well as how to say no in a respectful way, cope with being told no and inviting others to join them.
Encourage your child to discuss with you the importance of saying no to people in a respectful way so that they don’t lose friends. Also discuss with your child various options they have at school if they should find themselves without anyone to play with during break time.
KINDERGARTEN: Tyler Manns - enthusiastic class participation.
YEAR 1/2: James Reardon - showing wonderful sportsmanship to his fellow competitors at the Athletics carnival.
YEAR 3/4: Locky Eccleston - being a great sport and trying hard in all events.
YEAR 5/6: Hugh Graham - demonstrating increased initiative and questioning of tasks.
RESPONSIBLE: Benny Bartlett, Ella Nugent & Harry Peterson.
RESPECTFUL: Don Cotterill & Archie McDonnell
Happy birthday to the following people who celebrate their birthdays this week.
Charlie Stevens celebrated his birthday on Sunday 10 June.
We hope you enjoyed your special day!
Radio 2.15 pm Wednesday |
13 June |
Allie Sullivan Maya Flanagan |
Altar Serving Saturday 6:00 pm | 16 June |
Lillian McDonnell Molly McDonnell Asher Jones |
23 June |
Tom Scott Sarah Scott |
Tuckshop Workers Friday | 15 June |
Alicia Hargreaves Michelle Scott |
22 June |
Ruth Quine Worker Required
29 June |
Sarah Graham Sam Johnson |
Cookies | 15 June |
Shannon Bartlett Michelle Scott |
22 June |
Lisa Ryan Lauren Gailey |
29 June |
Jess Nugent Sam Johnson |
Cupcake Monday | 18 June |
Michelle McDonnell Rebecca Gaskin |
25 June |
Kellie Crane Cal Reardon |
2 July |
Shannon Bartlett Leanne McDonnell |
Meat Raffle Friday 6.45 pm | 15 June |
Vince Powell Jock Graham |
22 June |
Jeremy Pearce Mark Peterson |