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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Flocking for Facilities
- Mentoring Program
- Little Champions Gymnastics Program
- Unwell Students
- Thank You
- Interschool Public Speaking Competition
- Ex Students of St Patrick's - Article in Gundagai Independent
- Week 10 Award Assembly
- Attendance
- 2025 Enrolments
- Overdue School Fees
- NCCD - As a parent, guardian or carer, What do you need to Know
- Meat Raffle (Friday Nights)
- Altar Serving Roster
- Radio News
- Term Key Dates
- Birthdays
- Last Day of Term 2
- What's on in Gundagai - July 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
Here we are in Week 10 of Term 2! This term concludes this Thursday 4 July for our students, while staff attend a Professional Learning Day on Friday 5 July. Thank you to our wonderful parents and carers for your ongoing support through another busy term. We are so grateful to work alongside parents, providing the best educational opportunities for all the students at St Patrick’s School.
JUMP OFF DAY: A very big thank you to the SRC and Mr Makeham for organising the Jump Rope for Heart program during Term 2. The ‘Jump Off’ day last Thursday was a fantastic opportunity for students to showcase their wonderful skipping skills and some new skipping talents. The students certainly gave a fantastic demonstration of new and improved skills as well as some teachers. Thank you to parents and families for their wonderful support of this program.
PARENT/TEACHER MEETINGS: We encourage ALL parents and carers to attend the Parent/Teacher meetings scheduled to take place this week. These conversations about your child’s learning are an important process in the ongoing educational journey of your child. Please make sure you book a time with your child’s teacher via the COMPASS portal. If the times and dates do not suit, please make an alternative arrangement with your child’s class teacher.
STAFF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAY: Friday 5 July: This Friday, staff will be undertaking School Directed Professional Learning based on the CATALYST program that focuses on The Knowledge Rich Curriculum and Student Engagement. During the afternoon session, teachers will be utilising the time for planning, preparation, and evaluation time. Please note, that this is a PUPIL FREE Day for students.
Term 3 begins for all students on Tuesday 23 July. On Monday 22 July, Staff will be attending a Spirituality Day with Adelong and Batlow staff, with the focus on The Holy Spirit.
We wish all families a safe, restful and happy holiday.
Christine Baron
Would you like to be more involved in our Parish?
We would like to invite our fellow Parishioners to join any of the various Ministries of our St Patrick’s Parish. We are reaching out for people to be Acolytes (can be male or female), Readers, taking up the Offertory, part of the Sanctuary roster, Home Communion etc.
Each of these Ministries is an integral part of an active Parish.
If you would like to become part of a team, you would be most welcome. Please see Father Joe, or a member of the Parish Council.
Altar Servers News
Again, we say a big thank you to our wonderful Altar Servers. It is great to see our children serving on the Altar especially our new recruits. We are witnessing siblings gently teaching and guiding their younger siblings in their duties associated with this ministry.
Holiday arrangements – remember if you can’t attend, please find a replacement.
We are still looking for a replacement on 14th September. If you can help please let us know.
Invitation to Attend
Archbishop Christopher Prowse will be visiting our Parish from 16th – 18th August.
On Saturday 17th August we will host a dinner to welcome the Archbishop and enable him to meet with our St Patrick’s Parishioners. The dinner will be held after the 5pm Mass. Details have not been finalised at this present time, but the planning is in the process.
We are issuing the Invitation for all Parishioners to attend. At the back of the Church, you will find a notice where you can place your name as an intention to attend. This will make our planning for the dinner easier to organise.
Please RSVP by 27th July
Term 3 Spirituality Day
Staff from St Patrick’s, St Joseph’s Adelong and St Mary’s Batlow will combine on the first day of Term 3 for our annual Spirituality Day. The theme for the day is the Holy Spirit. The day will be presented by CE Staff. This is a wonderful opportunity for the three schools to come together in a collegial and spiritual manner. This will be a great start for Term 3 for all Staff members.
Hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Rest up, enjoy and stay healthy and safe.
Kate Howe
St Patrick’s Primary School has been overwhelmed with the support from the local community during their recent Lamb Drive called, ‘Flocking for Facilities’.
After initiating the idea in early June this year, Aaron Nicholls quickly roped in some helpers to get the word out. Between Craig Hargreaves and Aaron, they were able to make plenty of phone calls, and then combined with the school’s Facebook posts, newsletter articles and word of mouth, 70 lambs were donated over the next week and a half.
AT Nicholls and Aaron, armed with a list of over 15 farms, set out early last week to pick up the lambs from around the Gundagai farming district before dropping them off to Phil Worldon.
Phil generously donated his time and vehicle to transport the livestock to the Wagga Wagga Saleyards where Delta Livestock Wagga Wagga had a pen for the lambs to be held in, ready for livestock auction later that day.
Special thanks to Scott Hall and his team from Delta Livestock Wagga Wagga, who generated a total of $10,800 from the sale of the lambs and waived their agent's fees. These funds will go towards the St. Patrick's Primary School Community Council’s fundraising goal of improving our school facilities.
St Patrick’s Primary School would like to sincerely thank the local farming families who have generously donated their lambs, time and transport, and Delta Livestock, for all getting behind this fundraising event and making it a success!
MENTORING PROGRAM: Mitch and Ash Waddell will be back this Thursday to present Session 3 of our whole school Mental Health Well Being program. The program focuses on the following topics:
Building resilience and dealing with conflict
Limiting beliefs and fear of failure
Positive relationships and identifying positive role models
Healthy mind and body
The feedback from the two previous sessions has been very positive from both staff and students. It is wonderful to have these tow great role models working on strategies to support Mental Health and Well Being with our students.
Little Champions Gymnastics Program
Please keep unwell children at home to assist with keeping flus colds and other illnesses to a minimum at school. Parents/carers will be contacted to come and collect students if they come to school unwell. We ask everyone’s assistance in maintaining a healthy school environment please.
Interschool Public Speaking Competition
Congratulations to the following students who took out First Place at the recent Interschool Public Speaking competition.
Year 5: Indi Cole- Learning from the Past
Year 6: Taite Johnson- Our Voices
Indi and Taite will now go through to the Archdiocesan Public Speaking competition to be held at St Mary’s Young on Friday 9 August. (Week 3, Term 3). Congratulations to Kaydee, Lane, Jimmy, Reuben, Eliza and Christyne who were very impressive on the day. We were super proud of you all.
Our grateful thanks to Mr Peter Gain who continues to offer his time to coach and prepare the students for the next level.
Ex Students of St Patrick's - Article in Gundagai Independent
It was great to read a recent article of the Gundagai Independent highlighting ‘Rural scholars representing next generation of leaders.’ This article featured two former St Patrick’s students who have been selected for its 2024 Rural Scholarship program. Congratulations to Thomas Kingwill (Bachelor of Agriculture) and Olivia Lotz (Bachelor of Medical studies/Doctor of Medicine) for this outstanding achievement.
It is always wonderful to hear these stories of our ex-students.
NCCD - As a parent, guardian or carer, What do you need to Know
The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) is a yearly count of students by all Australian schools across the country. The aim of the NCCD is to provide the Australian Government with information about the number of students with disability in Australian schools and the type of adjustments they need in order to access and participate in education on the same basis as other students. From 2018, the NCCD will be used by the Australian Government to inform funding for schools, known as the ‘student with disability loading’.
If you are a parent, guardian or carer of a child with disability who requires ongoing adjustments at school, a teacher or another school staff member will consult with you to understand your child’s needs. This collaborative approach ensures the most appropriate adjustments are chosen to support your child’s learning and participation at school. In some cases, an individual education plan (IEP) or personal learning plan (PLP) may be developed to document specific educational goals and to review your child’s progress over time.
Tune into "Sounds of the Mountains" radio station (FM94.1) every Wednesday at 2.15pm to hear about what our classes and school has been up to over the week. Catch up with our Yr 6 leaders as they share our weekly news report:
Weerk 10 (Wednesday 3rd July) Chase Robinson and Skye Somerville
- Parent/Teacher Meetings-Monday 1 July, Tuesday 2 July and Wednesday 3 July
- Mentoring Session-Wednesday 3 July
- Week 10 Awards Assembly: 2.30pm Thursday 4 June
- Last Day Term 2 for students-Thursday 4 June
- Staff Development Day-Friday 5 July
- Staff Spirituality Day-Monday 22 July
- Term 3 begins for students-Tuesday 23 July
- Gymnastics for Sport-Thursday Weeks 1-4
- My Body/My Life-Year 5/6-Tuesday 30 July
- NAIDOC Week Mass-McAuley Catholic College-Wednesday 31 July
- Bookfair begins-Thursday 1 August to Thursday 8 August
- WR Public Speaking competition
Sending out a big birthday cheer to the following who have recently celebrated a special birthday
21st June - Eliza Graham
TODAY - 2nd July Claudia and Lottie Worldon
This Thursday is our last day of Term 2. Staff will have a professional development day on Friday and the office will be unattended.
See you all next Term. Term 3 will commence on Tuesday 23rd July