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- Principal's Report
- Year 3 Excursion - Historic Walk Around Gundagai
- Welcome the Bayley Family
- Sport Term 4
- Year 5 Visit to Gumnut Childcare Centre
- Term 3 School Fees Due
- Term 4 - Summer Uniform
- Crazy Camel Fundraiser
- Term 4 Grandparents Day
- Friday Night Meat Raffle - THANKS
- Tennis Lessons - School Holiday Activity
- Weekly Class Awards (Weeks 8 & 9)
- WildCat Awards
- Weekly Radio News Roster
- Altar Serving Roster
- Important Dates for the Diary
- Birthdays
- Happy Holidays
Dear Parents and Carers,
Another term of learning concludes this Thursday 26 September! Our students are to be fully commended for their continued commitment to learning and their high levels of engagement throughout Term 3.
The Year 5/6 excursion to Sydney is in full swing with reports of a fantastic trip so far. We look forward to hearing about the wonderful learning experiences Year 5/6 have had, on their return. Thank you to Mrs Wilson, Mrs Howe, Miss Baron and Ms Bartlett for accompanying the students to Sydney and looking after them for the 4 days and 3 nights. The students are expected to arrive back at school on Thursday by 5.00pm.
Term 3 concludes for students this Thursday at 3.15pm. Mrs Flanagan will be our Acting Assistant Principal and looking after the staff and students while I am on leave.
Wishing all our families a wonderful and relaxing holiday break. Term 4 will resume on Tuesday 15 October for all our students.
Christine Baron
Just a reminder that the students LAST DAY OF TERM 3 is this Thursday 26th September. Students will have a Pupil Free Day on Friday.
Students will return to school for Term 4 learning on Tuesday 15th October
Year 3 Excursion - Historic Walk Around Gundagai
Last week our Yr 3 class along with Mrs Carberry and Mrs Johnson set off on foot to explore our wonderful town and historic venues. The students have been learning about how Gundagai has changed over the years through learning Geography and Religion units. They have specifically looking at how our school, parish and town have changed over time.
Write up By Max Zhu:
Gundagai has changed a lot over the years. In 1852 the great flood destroyed the town and changed the location of where Gundagai is. Many buildings and structures in Gundagai were destroyed in 1852. The buildings in Gundagai have changed over time. Over the years Gundagai has changed a lot. During Gundagai’s early years, the Murrumbidgee river flooded several times. People started to become concerned. The move to higher ground was taken to protect the town from future floods. The two men who saved people in the flood were Yarri and Jacky Jacky. They went into the river with a bark canoe which is a little boat. Jacky Jacky and Yarri saved 250 people. Jacky Jacky and Yarri were heroes because they saved Gundagai. All of Gundagai’s buildings were destroyed except for the Old Mill. The Mill is the oldest surviving building in Gundagai today. Their homes were washed away by the flood, so they had to build up in the mountains and hills. That is why Gundagai is all up on a hillside, so that it is safe from another flood if it ever happens again.Over the years Gundagai has changed a lot.
Write up by Harry:
All about Gundagai’ s history.
I'm going to talk about how Gundagai has changed over the centuries. The buildings in Gundagai have changed over time. Many buildings and structures were destroyed in 1852. Many families have lived in Gundagai for generations. I will give more detail to explain how Gundagai has changed over the centuries. The buildings in Gundagai have changed over time. St. Stanislaus was renamed to St. Patrick' s. St. Stanislaus got changed to Flash Jacks. Many buildings and structures were destroyed in 1852 because of the heedless flood. The old pub on the golf course got washed away. The flood washed away 250 people.Many families have lived in Gundagai for generations like the Barton family who have built an abattoir for sheep only. One member of the Barton family owned a pub up Burra Road and spread the news about the gold rush.There became alot of bushrangers because they heard about the wealthy gold rush.One of the famous bushranger was Andrew Scott who was in jail for 10 years because of his naughtiness and his robbery. I have talked about how Gundagai has changed over the centuries.

We would like to welcome Chris, Megan, Levi and Lexie Bayley to our St Patrick's School Community. Levi has joined the Yr 1 class last week and has settled into our school environment perfect.
We look forward to welcoming back our regular tennis coach, Ms Bernadette Ramsay aka ‘Birdie’ for tennis coaching lessons for the first 5 weeks of Term 4. Following this the K-6 will participate in swimming lessons for sport for the final 5 weeks of term.
Year 5 Visit to Gumnut Childcare Centre
Year 5 students will visit Gumnut Childcare Centre on Wednesday 16 October (Week 1) and Monday 28 October (Week 3). The students will be driven to and from St Patrick’s by Mrs Fairall and Mrs Baron. Year 5 will spend time at Gumnut, engaging in activities with the children as part of their leadership program in readiness for Year 6. A note went home to Year 5 parents on COMPASS informing them of this activity. If parents do not wish for their child to participate in this program, please contact the school by Tuesday 15 October. Thank you
Payments can be made via your Compass App or by setting up a BPay Payment Plan using your BPay Reference number and Customer Reference Number (which can be found on your fee statements that are emailed once a month).
For our new families unaware what Crazy Camel is its an Australian family run business offering a wide range of art and photo based fundraising products. They turn the children's artwork into keepsake products like calendars (2025) diaries, notebooks, sketchbooks, pillowcases, tea towls and tote bags to mention a few.
Lauren Gailey is organising this little fundraiser for our students and school. For every product purchased our school makes a profit - so easy.
More information will be sent home at the begining of Term 4 with art paper, order form and instructions on when it needs to be returned to school.
Friday Night Meat Raffle - THANKS
We would like to send out a much appreciated "Thanks" to all of our families who assisted with the Friday Night Meat Raffles during Term 2 and Term 3. We are extremely grateful for your help and support.
Weekly Class Awards (Weeks 8 & 9)
Congratulations to our Week 8 and Week 9 Class Awards.
Week 8 - 13th September
Kindergarten - Sam Hufton for consistent focus in Maths
Year 1 - Fred Miller for enthusiasm and talent playing his Ukelele
Year 2 - Claudia Worldon for her concentration and focus during fractions lessons
Year 3 - Sarah Gailey for her independent thinking and actions
Year 3 - Max Zhu for excellent use of English both verbal and written
Year 4 - Jasper Rui for effort and application during our excursion
Year 4 - Reuben Smart for quality results in all areas
Year 5 - No Award
Year 6 - Skye Somerville for maximum effort and commitment to all her learning tasks
Week 9 - 20th September
Kindergarten - Michael Winters for enthusiastic participation in class discussions
Year 1 - Juno Bock for consistent effort in all areas of her learning
Year 2 - Isabella Melksham for working on number facts with focus (absent for photo)
Year 3 - Lachlan Barton for improving neatness and presentation of bookwork
Year 3 - Kingsley McDonnell for enthusiasm and responsible attitude and effort when helping Miss Bartlett
Year 4 - Ethan Wu for application during Maths
Year 5 - Indi Cole for exceptional results in Maths test
Year 6 - Dylan Ryder for total investment in all learning activities
Congratulations to our Week 8 and Week 9 WildCat Awards - All of our students are on fire with their learning, responsibility and showing others about being safe during play.
Keep up the positive vibes and you will continue to shine
RESPONSIBILITY - Cindy Chen, Indi Cole, Reuben Smart, Zoe Morgan, Joey Gailey, Nick Quine, Chase Robinson, Taite Johnson, Remi Taylor, Dale Paton, Hamish Tobin, Sam Hufton, Sarah Gailey, Archie Peterson, Leila Gaskin, Molly Lott, Charlston Rizalde, Olivia Smart, Gus Hufton, June Bock, Remi Taylor, Lilly Barton, Harry Ryder, Michael Winters, Charlotte Kennedy, Alfie Eccleston
RESPECT - Molly Lott, Indi Cole, Lachlan Barton, Joey Gailey, Jimmy Robinson, Taite Johnson, Remi Taylor, Ammy Wu, Archie McDonnell, Conor Cotterill, Kingsley McDonnell
SAFE - Indi Cole, Molly Lott, Joey Gailey, Emma Ferguson, Taite Johnson, Dale Paton, Lachlan Barton

Week 10 - Year 4 Students - Zoe Paton & Charlie Ryder

WEEK 10:
Monday 23-Thursday 26 September: Year 5/6 excursion to Sydney
Thursday 26 September: Term 3 concludes for students
Friday 27 September: Staff Development Day (NO Students)
Monday 14 October: Staff Development Day
Tuesday 15 October: K-6 students return to school
Thursday 17 October: Tennis lessons for sport begin
Tuesday 22 October: First Holy Communion lessons begin
Friday 25 October: Grandparents Day celebrations
Saturday 26 October: 6pm First Holy Communion Commitment Mass
Wednesday 20 November: 11.30am Wizard of Oz Matinee
Thursday 21 November: 6pm Wizard of Oz Night Performance
Wednesday 11 December: Year 6 Graduation dinner
Friday 13 December: 2024 Awards Day and Year 6 Graduation Mass
Wednesday 18 December: Term 4 Concludes
11th September - Skye Somerville
17th September - Denver Blundell
22nd September - Remi Taylor & Kevin Lyu
TODAY 24th September - Anna Nicholls & Lachlan Hargreaves
We wish all of our students, staff and families a much deserved holiday break. See you all in Term 4 for a busy final school term for 2024.
Be Safe and Relax.
School returns on Tuesday 15th of October