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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- St Patrick's Basketball Team
- The Wizard of Oz
- Wizard of Oz Raffle
- Cricket Blast
- Ice Blocks and Ice Cream for Sale
- Expressions of Interest for Coordinators for 2025
- Expressions of Interest - Community Council Executive Committee in 2025
- 2025 Kindergarten Orientation Dates
- Whooping Cough Alert
- Remembrance Day Service
- Week 5 Award Assembly (Change of Time)
- 2025 School Captain Speeches
- Be Aware
- Advice for Parents & Carers regarding Personalised Plans
- Weeky Awards
- WildCat Awards - Week 2 and Week 3
- Altar Serving Roster
- Radio News
- Canteen Roster
- Dates for your Diary
Dear Parents and Carer’s,
Term 4 continues to move along at a very fast pace. There are many exciting events taking place over the next few weeks. Please ensure you keep up to date with our COMPASS notifications and Dates for the Diary at the end of the newsletter to ensure you do not miss out on dates and upcoming events!
MELBOURNE CUP DAY: There has been lots of excitement in the air today as students and staff have come together to celebrate one of Australia’s most famous iconic events - The Melbourne Cup. Fashions on the field, the infamous St Patrick’s snail race and class sweeps are some of the fun activities everyone has joined in to celebrate ‘the race that stops a nation!’
FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: This week is a very special time for the fourteen Year 3 students preparing for their First Holy Communion, which will be held this Saturday 9 November during 6pm Mass. The students are looking forward to their preparation day tomorrow as they enter into the final stages of lessons and preparation. It is one of the most beautiful sacraments and special times for our young people. Thank you to Mrs Howe and Mrs Carberry for preparing the students so beautifully.
2025 KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION DAY: We have been delighted to welcome 16 children to our 2025 Kindergarten Orientation session last Friday. Special thanks to Mrs Eccleston, Mrs Howe and our Year 5 students for their assistance last week in making the children feel so welcome and assisting them in settling in so well. Our Kindergarten Orientation sessions will continue over the next 3 Fridays.
WIZARD OF OZ PRODUCTION: Don’t forget to purchase your tickets for our upcoming enchanting production of the Wizard of Oz! The students are working hard on rehearsals, dance routines and practising lines in readiness for this extraordinary production. You will not be disappointed!
PARENT ASSISTANCE FOR WIZARD OF OZ PRODUCTION: Thank you to our wonderful band of volunteer parent helpers that are working behind the scenes to ensure everything is ready to roll. Their support is greatly appreciated.
INTERIM DIRECTOR CECG: Ms Pam Bett has been appointed as Interim Director for Catholic Education Canberra-Goulburn (CECG), following Mr Ross Fox’s resignation. Ms Betts was formerly the Director of CE Brisbane and has also held a variety of role in schools including Brisbane Catholic Education and with the Queensland Catholic Education Commission (CEC). She has also worked in the Sandhurst and Lismore dioceses. Ms Betts will serve in this role until a permanent Director has been appointed.
Enjoy the week ahead.
Christine Baron
First Holy Communion
This weekend we celebrate the wonderous Sacrament of the Eucharist. Our fourteen First Communicants and their families have been busy preparing for this very special occasion over the past few weeks. We thank the children for their commitment and dedication as they have approached their preparation.
Children, may you always know the peace of Jesus, the light of his love, and the joy of his life within you. Congratulations on your special day.
We are hoping to get together our beautiful singers of St Patrick’s to form a choir and support Harry, Lachie, Summer, Conor, Lilly, Sarah, Lane, Kingsley, Parker, Archie, Abigail, Jimmy, Fletcher and Remi on their special day.
Having the children’s voices as a choir, is always so well received by the congregation. If your child can join us, it would be greatly appreciated. Can you please contact the Front Office to let us know of your availability?
Mission Week – Socktober
Wow! St Patrick’s, you have done it again! Last week we came together to raise money for Catholic Mission and the work they are doing in Mongolia. Our little school raised $587.50 for this very worthy cause. That is an fantastic effort and will be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU!
Year 6 Mass
On Friday Year 6 will present their class Mass. Everyone is welcome.
Our sincere sympathy is extended to the Rafferty family on the passing of Brian. Brian was a very active parishioner and spent many years training our Altar Servers. Brian’s wife Marg was a much loved Staff member at St Patrick’s for many years. Brian and Marg’s children Shaun, Kellie and Vaughan all attended our school. Our loving thoughts are with the family in their time of sadness.
Kate Howe
Congratulations to the Year 6 students competing in their very first basketball competition today in Wagga. We wish Skye, Denver, Taite, Chase, Archie, Joey, Nick, AB and Riley (unfortunately Lachlan H had to withdraw due to illness) all the very best for the NSW Basketball Tournament being held at the PCYC in Wagga today. Special thanks to Mrs Caitlin Smith for training the team and to parents for their support with transporting students to training sessions and to Wagga today. We wish the team all the very best and look forward to hearing about the day.
We would also like to thank the Gundagai Basketball Association who very generously paid for our teams registration fees to participate in todays competition.

Join Us on a Magical Journey!
Grab your ruby shoes and get ready to follow the yellow brick road! St Patrick’s School Gundagai is delighted to be presenting the enchanting production of The Wizard of Oz!
Based on the well-known and timeless classic ‘The Wizard of Oz’ written by Frank Baum in the 1900s, the students of St Patrick’s will take you on a magical journey to the land of Oz. Experience the beloved tale of Dorothy and her dog Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion in search of the wizard, as they embark on an adventure to the Land of Oz that is filled with friendship, courage, and self-discovery.
You will be delighted and entertained as you meet many other wonderful characters along the way.
Year K/1: The Munchkins
Year 2: The Jitterbugs and Flying Monkeys
Year 3: The Poppies, Crows and Trees
Year 4/5: The Ozians & The Winkies
Year 6: Main characters from the Wizard of Oz
Join us as we sing and dance our way along the Yellow Brick Road and let us take you on a magical tour from Kansas to the Land of Oz. Experience unforgettable songs, dances, and powerful themes that resonate across generations. St Patrick’s School invites you to follow the yellow brick road and embrace the extraordinary!
Dates: Matinee Performance: Wednesday 20 November at 11.30am
Night Performance: Thursday 21 November at 6:00pm
Location: St Patrick’s School Hall (corner of Sheridan and Homer Streets)
Ticket Information:
Tickets are available from St Patrick’s School Office - No Holds payment must be made at the time of purchasing tickets.
$10 per family (2x adults/ 2x children)
$5 per adult
$2 per child (up to 18 years old)
The money raised will help pay for sound, microphones and other equipment needed for our production.
Thank you for your support.
Gundagai Cricket Blast is Back!!!
Great for kids of all abilities and fitness levels. Come down and have a try, it's quick, fun and inclusive for everyone, we'd love to see you there!
Registrations here:
Ice Blocks and Ice Cream for Sale

Expressions of Interest for Coordinators for 2025
This information was previoulsy published in our last Newsletter. Please let Jacki or Chris know if you are interested in any of the roles. Contact our current Community Council Committee for more information or to advise of your interest.
Cupcake Monday Coordinator
Role Overview
Each year the Cupcakes sold at school go towards reducing the cost to our families for the end-of-year excursion for the 5/6 class. The cupcakes are sold by the year 5 and 6 students each Monday for 50c. This year we were able to donate $1400 to the school.
What's required:
- Be the point of contact for the volunteers and school with regard to cupcake fundraising.
- Create roster for each term in liaison with the Tuckshop Coordinator for distribution by the school
- Work with Community Council Treasurer
- Manage volunteer levels and attendance to roster
Estimated Time Commitment - no more than 30mins a week at most.
Meat Raffle Coordinator
Role Overview
Each Friday Lotts Family Hotel provides the venue for community groups to sell meat raffle tickets to the community and collect the profit. St Pats is allocated the period from the commencement of term 2 through to the conclusion of term 3, including the two weeks during the school holidays. This fundraiser allows us to donate approximately $5000 each year to the school to assist with things like purchasing new Chromebooks, reducing the cost to families for student events, like Healthy Harold, and visiting authors, and any event requiring bus travel.
What's required:
- Be the point of contact for the volunteers and school with regard to Meat Raffle fundraising.
- Create a roster to run throughout Term 2 and 3, including during the holiday period between.
- Liaise with Lotts as required
- Work with Community Council Treasurer
- Manage volunteer levels and attendance to roster
Estimated Time Commitment - no more than 30mins a week, and only during the two terms.
If you are interested or would like more information please contact either Chris Baron or Jacki Fairall in the office.
Expressions of Interest - Community Council Executive Committee in 2025
Expressions of Interest are now welcome for members to join the St Patrick’s School Community Council (SCC) Executive Committee in 2025
Just resharing this anyone still considering joining our Community Council Executive Team in 2025. Contact Mrs Baron to express your interest.
The council is advisory in nature and has key role in supporting the St Patrick’s School community of parents, carers, students, and staff in building an open, inclusive, welcoming, and collaborative school community environment.
The School Community Council will advise the Principal on important matters and provide support to the Principal and school leadership team in their decision-making process. The School Community Council is also responsible for overseeing the Canteen and Uniform shop, all fundraising activities and programming for school facility improvements. Most importantly, they are the voice for the parent body.
In 2025 there will be several vacant positions on the Community Council and as a result of this we are asking parents/guardians/carers to show their interest in being part of this School Community Council Executive Committee via an expression of interest process for the following positions:
- School Community Council Infants Parent Rep x 3
- School Community Council Primary Parent Rep x 4
The School Community Council AGM will be held on 18 February 2025 to vote for the positions of:
- Executive Committee Chair
- Executive Committee Treasurer
- Executive Committee Secretary
Expressions of interest need only be brief. A few lines about yourself, your connection to the school, involvement in the school community and reasons for your interest in being part of the School Community Council Executive Committee. Please also advise if you wish to nominate for one of the Executive roles.
Please email the expression of interest to Chris Baron by 30 January 2025
2025 Kindergarten Orientation Dates
Our 2025 Kindergarten children will continue their transition to ‘big’ school over the next three weeks.
Friday 8 November: 9.00-1.00pm
Friday 15 November: 9.00-1.00pm
Friday 22 November: 9.00-3.15pm
Several cases of Whooping Cough have been reported across the school. If your child develops a cough, please book a medical appointment ASAP. Under CECG Infectious disease policy guidelines, children must remain home for 21 days or 5 days once antibiotics have been started. Thank you for your support.

Week 5 Award Assembly (Change of Time)
The Week 5 Award Assembly on Friday 15 November will be held at 9.00am in the amphitheatre.
As this is Snake Gully Cup Day, we have changed the time for parents to enable them to attend the Award Day.
Parents will be contacted if their child/ren is receiving an award.
Year 5 students are being asked to prepare their 2025 School captain speeches in readiness for Week 7 (Monday 25 November to Wednesday 27 November). Speeches will commence at 9.00am with up to 3 x speeches per day. Mr Makeham has provided parents with the following roster of speeches. Parents are welcome to come along and support their child on the day.
Monday - 25th November
Emma Brown, Indi Cole, Conor Cotterill
Tuesday - 26th November
Oliver Crowe, Eliza Graham, Lachlan Hargreaves
Wednesday - 27th November
Molly Lott, Dale Paton
2025 Leadership roles are currently being revamped. More information will be provided to Year 5 once the Leadership positions and roles have been decided.
It is that time of year when some of our Australian reptiles are on the move! We ask parents and carers to please have conversations with your child/ren about how ‘to be aware’ and not to approach snakes. They are generally just as scared of us as we are of them! We are endeavouring to keep our school playgrounds free from any reptile visits but of course there may be the odd visitor. Areas of long grass have been sprayed and our wonderful grounds person, Ms Kris Bartlett is keeping the grass mowed. Thanks for your support.
Advice for Parents & Carers regarding Personalised Plans
Personalised Plans are used by teachers to support and record adjustments provided to students so that all students have the opportunity to access and participate in learning on the same basis as their peers. The Personalised Planning tool, through Catholic Schools NSW NETiD, is used by all CECG schools as the basis for individual planning for students who require adjustments to support their learning. The Personalised Planning tool is integral to the work of our schools in supporting and making adjustments for students.
In 2022 a review of the CSNSW Personalised Planning process was undertaken by Dr David Evans. If you would like to read more about the scope of the project, please follow this link: David Evans review of Personalised Plans
During 2022 and 2023 development of a new and modern plan was undertaken by CSNSW to ensure a planning tool that aligns with evidence-based approaches to personalised planning for students. The redevelopment process included extensive consultation and testing with key stakeholders including parents and teachers. The plan now better aligns with the personalised learning process and Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) processes.
In August 2024, CSNSW launched the redeveloped Personalised Planning tool that includes the following enhancements:
- Less duplication of information
- Elimination of clunky user issues
- Simplicity of design and functionality
- Options for reporting to parents.
While the change in format is welcome, it will require significant time and expertise from Classroom Support Teachers, Inclusive Education Coordinators and teachers in updating existing Personalised Plans. During Term 4, teachers will commence the process of updating all Personalised Plans to the redeveloped format. For some schools, the updating may need to carry over to the start of 2025, due to the number of Personalised Plans. This may mean that your child’s Personalised Plan may not be sent home in Term 4. Please note that your child’s Personalised Plan will be updated as soon as practicable.
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher.
Congratulations to our Week 2 and Week 3 Class Awards - Well Done everyone
Week 2 - 25th October
Kindergarten : Anna Nicholls for neatness and accuracy in all her work
Year 1 : Fred Miller for focus during literacy and fluency when reading
Year 2 : Clancy Smart for beginning to develop independent work habits
Year 3 : Kaydee Smith for perserverence with Maths tasks
Year 4 : Leila Gaskin for maintaining a great work ethic
Year 5 : Eliza Graham for diligence across all learning areas
Year 6 : Ammy Wu for being a wonderful friend and student, making school a better place for everyone
Week 3 - 1st November
Kindergarten : Tannah Elliott for accuracy in reading and sound recognition (absent for photo)
Year 1 : Alfie Eccleston for effort and application in all areas
Year 2 : Lottie Worldon for an outstanding homework record
Year 3 : Fletcher Smith for his enthusiasm and effort with class tasks (absent for photo)
Year 4 : Jimmy Robinson for high effort during learning tasks
Year 5 : Ollie Crowe for application and enthusiasm to his schooling
Year 6 : Harry Peterson for his continued committment to try his best in all areas

WildCat Awards - Week 2 and Week 3
Congratulations to our Week 2 and Week 3 WildCat Awards
RESPONSIBLE - Isla Faith Masikesa, Noah Zhu, Chelsea Crowe, Fletcher Smith, Kayla Chen, Remi Taylor
RESPECT - Lachie Barton, Michael Winters, Lane Johnson, Emily Ryan
SAFE - Max Zhu, Mackenzie Little, Lachie Barton, Alfie Eccleston

- Tuesday 5 November: Senior Basketball Competition Wagga
- Tuesday 5 November: Melbourne Cup Day activities
- Wednesday 6 November: Tim Smith (PIL) AIP & 2025 planning visit
- Wednesday 6 November: First Holy Communion Preparation Day 9.00-3.15pm
- Saturday 9 November: First Holy Communion Mass at 6pm
- Monday 11 November: Remembrance Day
- Wednesday 20 November: 11.30am Wizard of Oz Matinee
- Thursday 21 November: 6.00pm Wizard of Oz Night Performance
- Friday 22 November: 2025 Parent Information session 9.00-10.30am
- Monday 25 -Wednesday 27 November: Year 5 present 2025 School Captain speeches
- Friday 29 November: McAuley Catholic College Year 7 Transition
- Wednesday 11 December: Year 6 Graduation dinner
- Monday 2 December: SCC Meeting at 6pm
- Thursday 12 December: Semester 2 Reports go out on COMPASS
- Friday 13 December: 2025 Award Day and Year 6 Graduation Mass
- Monday 16/Tuesday 17 December: Parent/Teacher Meetings
- Tuesday 17 December: Year 6 Big Day Out
- Wednesday 18 December: Term 4 concludes at 3.15pm