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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Cyber Safety Online Sessions - Years 3-6
- Ice Blocks and Ice Cream for Sale
- Wizard of Oz - Things to Remember
- Wizard of Oz Raffle
- School Fees Due - Term 4
- 2025 School Captain Speeches
- Student of the Month Awards - Friday 15th November
- Week 4 and Week 5 Weekly Awards
- WildCat Awards
- 2024 Awards Presentation
- Altar Serving Roster
- Canteen Roster
- Radio News
- Dates for your Diary
- Birthdays
Dear Parents and Carer’s,
A big week for St Patrick’s as final preparations take place in bringing to life The Wizard of Oz tomorrow! There is certainly lots of excitement in the air and the students are ready to show off their creative skills and talents as they take you on a magical journey to the Land of Oz!
‘THE WIZARD OF OZ’ TICKET SALES: There will not be any tickets on sale at the door. Tickets are now extremely limited and only Matinee tickets are now available. Please contact Jacki in the front office for any further enquiries.
Matinee Performance: Wednesday 20 November at 11.30am (Please be seated by 11.25am)
Night Performance: Thursday 21 November at 6:00pm (Please be seated by 5.55pm)
Location: St Patrick’s School Hall (corner of Sheridan and Homer Streets)
‘THE WIZARD OF OZ’ RAFFLE TICKETS: We have a great raffle ready to be drawn during intercession at the Wizard of Oz performance. The lucky winner will take home a box full of fabulous toys suitable for a wide range of ages! Tickets are available for $1.00 per ticket from the front office and/or at both performances. Please bring cash.
PARENT ASSISTANCE FOR WIZARD OF OZ PRODUCTION: Thank you to our wonderful band of volunteer parent helpers that are working behind the scenes to ensure everything is ready to roll this week. We are extremely grateful to Bec Tobin, Marg & Aaron Nicholls, Tash Smith, Amy Ryder, Chloe Knight-Gregson, Louise Crowe, Megan Bayley, Madeline Ryan and Bec Nicholls who have been meeting to make stage props and other designs. Special thanks also to grandparent Mr Dave Howard for making the windmill and again to Bec Tobin for her promotional ads on the St Pat’s events page. Your support is very much appreciated.
GUNDAGAI HIGH SCHOOL (GHS) ENTERTAINMENT CLASS: A very special thank you is also extended to GHS, Mr Chris Fish and Year 12 Entertainment Team crew members Henry and Amity, for their support of our school play in providing stage lighting, sound and special design effects. We are extremely grateful for all their help and assistance in making the production more incredible with these added extras.
2025 KINDERGARTEN ORIENTATION DAY: Our final 2025 Kindergarten Orientation session will be held this Friday 22 November. The last session is a full day visit from 9.00-3.15pm. A 2025 Parent Information session will also be held this Friday 22 November commencing at 9.00am in the school library. We welcome all Kindergarten family members to this session.
Follow the yellow brick road to St Patrick’s school hall this week. We look forward to seeing our families and friends this week as we present our 2024 whole school production-The Wizard of Oz!.
Christine Baron
First Holy Communion
Congratulations to our wonderful 14 children who recently received the Sacrament of the Eucharist on Saturday 9th November. The Mass was a beautiful celebration for the children, their families and the parish congregation. Father Roffin commented on the sense of joy being radiated throughout the Church.
We thank the children for their commitment and preparation and their families for their constant support and encouragement. We also thank the school community for supporting these children by being part of the Mass through the Offertory and singing in the choir.
A very special thank you to Father Joe and Father Roffin for their continued dedication to the faith development of our children. We are so lucky to have such wonderful Parish Priests who are so committed to our children and our parish.
A huge thank you to Mrs Carberry for being such a big part of this Sacramental journey and to the St Patrick’s Staff who were present at the Mass supporting our amazing children.
Keys Found
On Sunday morning after First Holy Communion there were a set of keys found in Homer Street outside the Church driveway. If you may have misplaced these keys please contact me at school.
New Altar Serving Roster
A new Altar Serving Roster is being compiled at the moment. The new roster will be sent out as soon as possible.
There are many of our Altar Servers about to leave St Patrick’s and enter high school. This does not mean that they should leave this important ministry. We would love to see you continue in this role. Please let me know asap if you would like to remain on the Altar Serving Roster.
Thank you, children, for your continued support of this special ministry and to your families that bring you to Mass to enable you to fulfil this role. You are an integral part of our Parish.
A Payer for Families

Kate Howe
Cyber Safety Online Sessions - Years 3-6
We are delighted to announce that Kirra Pendergast, a leading expert in online safety and founder
of Safe on Social, hosting an online Year 3-6 session for our St Patrick’s students as well as other students in our WR Catholic schools! This is a fantastic opportunity for both students and parents to learn valuable skills for navigating the digital world safely and responsibly. We are engaging Kirra due to a concerning increase in online issues faced by our students outside of school, which impacts their relationships and functioning at school. It has highlighted an urgent need for expert guidance on digital safely. Do not miss this incredible, one-off opportunity.
For Students:
- Learn Online Safety: Understand the importance of privacy and how to protect personal information.
- Combat Cyberbullying: Gain tools to recognize and respond to cyberbullying.
- Build Healthy
For Parents:
- Guidance and Support: Receive practical strategies to monitor and guide your child’s online activities.
- Effective Communication: Learn how to discuss online safety and digital etiquette with your children.
- Access Resources: Get comprehensive tools and resources to support your family’s online safety journey.
A separate note has gone home to our Year 3-6 families to provide them with more information. Please do not miss out on this wonderful opportunity! Special thanks is extended to the WR principal’s Association for sponsoring our St Patrick’s students to attend this event. Parents are asked to please return their note and $10 if they wish to also attend the online parent session, which is highly recommended.
Ice Blocks and Ice Cream for Sale

Wizard of Oz - Things to Remember
- Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 November, full dress rehearsals. Costumes to remain at school for Wednesday’s matinee.
- Wednesday 20 November -Matinee Performance at 11.30am. Costumes will be sent home after the Matinee for Thursday evenings performance.
- Thursday 21 November - Night Performance 6.00pm. ALL students to arrive at St Patrick’s Hall by 5:40pm please fully dressed in their costume.
- Please ensure your child/ren have had an early dinner/light meal before arriving at the hall. Please also bring a drink bottle of water with their name on it to the evening performance.
- The production is expected to go for around 2-2 and ½ hours. We would like to begin promptly at 6pm please and ask that everyone is seated by 5.55pm please.
- Mrs Lena Elphick will video the performance. These will be available for families purchase soon. Thank you to SCC and Mrs Kim Paton for organising this and to Kim for her follow up in having the videos available for families to purchase in the near future.
- Please bring cash to purchase a ticket in the Christmas Toy raffle. Tickets are $1.00 each and available at both performances for purchase. Please bring cash to buy tickets.
The money raised will help pay for sound, microphones and other equipment needed for our production.
Thank you for your support.
Payments can be made via your Compass App or by setting up a BPay Payment Plan using your BPay Reference number and Customer Reference Number (which can be found on your fee statements that are emailed once a month).
If you are experiencing difficulty paying your fees please do not hesitate to contact Jacki or Mrs Baron to discuss a payment plan.
Year 5 students are being asked to prepare their 2025 School captain speeches in readiness for Week 7 (Monday 25 November to Wednesday 27 November). Speeches will commence at 9.00am with up to 3 x speeches per day. Mr Makeham has provided parents with the following roster of speeches. Parents are welcome to come along and support their child on the day.
Monday - 25th November
Emma Brown, Indi Cole, Conor Cotterill
Tuesday - 26th November
Oliver Crowe, Eliza Graham, Lachlan Hargreaves
Wednesday - 27th November
Molly Lott, Dale Paton
2025 Leadership roles are currently being revamped. More information will be provided to Year 5 once the Leadership positions and roles have been decided.
Student of the Month Awards - Friday 15th November
Last Friday 15th of November we held our special Student of the Month Awards. Thank you to all of the families who came along to support their children.
Kindergarten - Sam Hufton and Tannah Elliott
Year 1 - Alfie Eccleston and Charlston Rizalde
Year 2 - Toby Nicholls and Claudia Worldon
Year 3 - Remi Taylor and Harry Barton
Year 4 - Reuben Smart and Lotus Li
Year 5 - Dale Paton and Oliver Crowe
Year 6 - Nick Quine and Joey Gailey
BIG Congratulations to all of our Week 5 Term 4 Student of the Month Awards

Week 4 and Week 5 Weekly Awards
Congratulations to our Week 4 and Week 5 weekly awards.
Week 4 - Friday 8th November
Kindergarten - Ivy Lyu for her neat and accurate writing
Yr 1 - Sophia Knight-Gregson for always producing work to a high standard
Yr 2 - Josie Lott for her quick recall of addition facts
Yr 3 - Archie Peterson for his kindness, patience and care towards others
Yr 4 - Ethan Wu for showing maturity in difficult situations
Yr 5 - Indi Cole for showing personal responsibility for her learning
Yr 6 - Taite Johnson for his consistent enthusiastic participation in all learning areas
Week 5 - Friday 15th November
Kindergarten - Charlotte Kennedy for her writing and sound accuracy
Yr 1 - Pippi Nicholls for being kind and a considerate classmate
Yr 2 - Ryan Robinson for always using his manners and being a caring student (Absent for photo)
Yr 3 - Harrison Barton for positive class participation
Yr 4 - RV Calub for being a friend to all
Yr 5 - Emma Brown for her excellent effort towards her role in The Wizard of Oz
Congratulations to our WildCat Awards for Week 4 and Week 5. Keep up the positive work
RESPONSIBLE - Juno Bock, Pippi Nicholls, Olivia Smart, Gus Hufton, George Ryan, Skye Somerville, Alfie Eccleston, Lilly Barton, Isla-Faith Masikesa
RESPECT - George Ryan, Anna Nicholls, Pippi Nicholls

2024 Award Day: St Patrick’s School will host the 2024 Award Day at St Patrick’s School Hall on Friday 13 December commencing at 9.30am. The Award Day is an opportunity to reflect back over our school year and celebrate the successes and achievements of the 2024 school year. Family and friends are most welcome to attend. Parents/Carers will be notified if their child is receiving an award.
End of Year Awards: A lot of thought and decision goes into the recipient of the end of year awards. Many students are nominated, and it takes staff several meetings to determine which student demonstrates the qualities that meets the specific criteria of each award. These qualities are what staff see demonstrated across the school year.
Award Presentations included:
- Junior Awards: Parents will be notified
- Senior Awards: Parents will be notified
- Academic Awards: One student per year level (Parents will be notified)
- Effort and Application Award: One student per year level (Parents will be notified)
- Kindergarten students: All Kindergarten students will receive a Graduating Award from Kindergarten. All parents welcome to attend.
- 2025 Leadership positions for Year 6 (currently Year 5) will be announced. Year 5 parents welcome to attend.
- Year 6 students will be formally farewelled with a graduation gift. All Year 6 parents welcome to attend.
- Leaving Families: Our Year 6 families that are leaving will be presented with a gift and formally thanked for the contribution they have made to our St Patrick’s School community.
Year 6, their families and our award sponsors are invited to attend morning tea following the Award morning.
We look forward to celebrating the end of another wonderful school year with our families and special guests.
Our Yr 6 Graduation Mass will also start at 12pm. Everyone is invited to join our special Mass to celebrate our Yr 6 students with a memorable slideshow presentation.
Thank you to all of our wonderful canteen mums for volunteering your time to cook cupcakes or cookies or work in the canteen we are extremely grateful
We only have a few more weeks left of canteen.
- Tuesday 17 December: Parent/Teacher Meetings
- Wednesday 18th December - Whole School Excursion to Wagga Forum 6 Cinema - Please ensure you pack a lunchbox, drink bottle and hat for the day
- Wednesday 18 December: Term 4 concludes at 3.15pm
2025 School Starting Dates:
- Friday 31 January: CATAYLST System Day
- Monday 3 February: NSW Staff Planning Day
- Tuesday 4 February: Years 1-6 begin school
- Wednesday 5 February: Kindergarten commence school
- SPG Swimming Carnival: Thursday 13 February-TBC
- Opening School Mass: Friday 21 February
- Ash Wednesday: Wednesday 5 March
- Footsteps Dance: Week 8
- Last day of Term 1 for students: Thursday 10 April
- Staff Development Day: Friday 11 April