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- Principal's Report
- Parent/Teacher Meetings
- Awards Presentation 2024
- 2025 School Leaders
- 2024 School Fees
- K - 6 Movie Day in Wagga
- 2025 Classes and Teachers
- Year 6 "Ringing of the Bell"
- Christmas Mass Times
- Farewell Father Rofin
- Dates for your Diary
- Altar Serving Roster
- Birthdays
- Save The Date - Gundagai Show 2025
- CECG Term Dates for NSW Schools
- FREE Cricket Clinic - January 2025
Dear St Patrick’s Families,
Another school year nearly over and another Year 6 class moving on! As we look back on 2024, we can reflect on all we have achieved, some of the challenges we may have overcome and the new learnings, growth, friendships and special memories we have made.
Thank you to our beautiful families for all the wonderful support over the 2024 school year. We are so fortunate to have so many wonderful parents/carers and extended family members that volunteer their time or support the students in so many ways. We appreciate all that you do! Our best wishes to the Blundell, Calub, McDonnell, Quine, Ryan and Somerville families, who will leave us this year. We thank you for your valued contribution you to our school community that you and your children have made to our school during the time you have been with us. We wish you every blessing for the future.

A huge thank you to the St Patrick’s staff team that constantly give above and beyond for the students in their care. It is a privilege to work alongside such caring, passionate educators and staff.
The biggest thank you goes to our 91 beautiful students that arrive with a smile and give their best every day! We are so grateful to each one of you, for the gifts you bring that help make our school such a special place to be. Tomorrow marks the end of the Year 6 students primary school years, as they move onto the next stage of their educational journey and transition to High School. We wish our graduating Year 6 class all the very best for their future years. Please come back and visit us from time to time!
Wishing everyone all the joy and blessings of Christmas and holidays filled with sunshine, fresh air and time to spend with family.
Christine Baron
Parents are welcome to organise meetings with their child’s class teacher to discuss Semester 2 reports.
Monday 16 December: 3.30-5.30pm
Tuesday 17 December: 3.30-5.30pm.
Please email your child’s class teacher to organise a time.
Thank you to all of our wonderful families for your support on Friday for our annual Awards Day Presentation. We again apologise for the air conditioner not working on Friday which may have made the morning a little uncomfortable.
Congratulations to all our students for a fantastic year of growth and learning. Well done to all the students who were presented with sponsored awards recognising their contribution ‘over and above’ to the school this year, as well as Academic Achievement and Effort and Application awards. We also congratulate all other students for their efforts on what they have personally achieved and their individual growth in all areas. While we cannot recognise every student at the Award Day, we are proud of EVERY student at St Patrick’s!
Junior Awards:
JMA Legal Award - Pippi Nicholls
Ray White Award (Junior) - Imogen Graham
Wi-Sky - Juno Bock
Remi and Claire Field (Junior) - Billy Eccleston
Bendigo Bank - Hamish Tobin
Senior Awards:
Bethany Tout Award- Skye Somerville
Ray White (Senior) - Emily Ryan
Fig and Co - Emma Ferguson
Shirley Dean Memorial Award - Taite Johnson
Lion's Club - Andrew Cole
Veronica Lawson - Dylan Ryder and Harry Peterson
Remi and Claire Field (Senior) - Taite Johnson
Jugiong Writer's Award - Christyne Calub
GMP Library Awards - Lance Crowe and Archie McDonnell
Parish Awards - Taite Johnson and Harry Peterson
Academic Class Awards:
Yr 1 Academic Achievement Award - Olivia Smart
Yr 1 Effort & Application Award - Alfie Eccleston
Yr 2 Academic Achievement Award - Phoenix Rose
Yr 2 Effort & Application Award - Harley Rose
Yr 3 Academic Achievement Award - Harrison Barton
Yr 3 Effort & Application Award - Max Zhu
Yr 4 Academic Achievement Award - Reuben Smart
Yr 4 Effort & Application Award - Mackenzie Little
Yr 5 Academic Achievement Award - Indi Cole
Yr 5 Effort & Application Award - Eliza Graham
Yr 6 Academic Achievement Award - Christyne Calub
Yr 6 Effort & Application Award - Corby Rose

Congratulations to our Year 5 students on their areas of leadership in 2025. We look forward to their contributions as school leaders throughout 2025.
School Captains: Indi Cole and Lachlan Hargreaves
DONOVAN House Leader: Molly Lott
FINNEGAN House Leader: Oliver Crowe
COMMUNITY LEADERS: Emma Brown, Eliza Graham, Dale Paton and Conor Cotterill
Our Community Leaders will rotate their leadership roles each term to include the areas of Media, Library, Creative and Environment.
We look forward to Year 5 leading with confidence, passion and inspiration during 2025!

Thank you to all of our families who have paid their 2024 fees in full and to the families who continue to pay weekly/fortnightly payments. Please continue these payments over the holiday period to have the account settled prior to the commencement of 2025 school term.
We have sent out on Compass the Fee Schedule for 2025 fees. If you need to increase your weekly or fortnightly payments please commence this as of 1st of January 2025.
For families who aren't paying weekly/fortnightly could you please settle your account by the end of the year.
Thank you
We are all pretty excited to end out last day with a special treat to the Movies in Wagga. Could all families who drop off their children to school in the mornings please make sure that they are at school NO LATER THAN 8.50am. The bus will leave right on 9am to ensure we arrive in time at the viewings tomorrow.
DATE: Wednesday 18 December
MOVIES: Year K/1/2-Moana 2 (PG)
Years 3/4/5/6-Wicked (PG)
All students will receive a bottle of water, popcorn and a lollipop to have in the movies.
K/1/2 bus will leave at 9.00am
Years 3/4/5/6 bus will leave at 9.00am
Please note: Makeham’s coaches to Wagga will NOT leave before normal school bus students arrive at school. The coaches will be back in time for the Traditional Ringing of the school bell for our Year 6 students.
Could all children also please pack their lunch boxes and drink bottles for the day. Once the movies are finished we will stop at a park for lunch.
All parents should have received the information regarding our 2025 Classes and Teachers.
Classrooms will be:
Early Stage 1: (Kindergarten) Yarri
Stage 1: (Years 1/2) Burra and Kimo
Stage 2: (Years 3/4) Five Mile and Murrumbidgee
Stage 3: (Years 5/6) Morley’s
Year 6 parents and family members are welcome to join us for the traditional ‘Ringing of the School Bell’ from 3.00pm on Wednesday 18 December, as we farewell our Year 6 class. A special moment before Year 6 leave behind their Primary School years.
Fr Rofin has accepted a transfer to St Christopher Cathedral in Canberra to commence in January. We thank Fr Rofin for his commitment to our St Patrick’s Parish and school community and wish him all the very best for the future.
- Tuesday 17 December: Parent/Teacher Meetings
- Wednesday 18th December - Whole School Excursion to Wagga Forum 6 Cinema - Please ensure you pack a lunchbox, drink bottle and hat for the day
- Wednesday 18 December: Term 4 concludes at 3.15pm
2025 School Starting Dates:
- Friday 31 January: CATAYLST System Day
- Monday 3 February: NSW Staff Planning Day
- Tuesday 4 February: Years 1-6 begin school
- Wednesday 5 February: Kindergarten commence school
- SPG Swimming Carnival: Thursday 13 February-TBC
- Opening School Mass: Friday 21 February
- Ash Wednesday: Wednesday 5 March
- Footsteps Dance: Week 8
- Last day of Term 1 for students: Thursday 10 April
- Staff Development Day: Friday 11 April

Sending out a birthday cheer to the following students who have recently celebrated a birthday and who will be celebrating a birthday in the school holidays.
We wish you all a wonderful day
11th December - Indi Cole
14th December - Josie Lott
25th December - Emily Ryan
5th January - Charlotte Kennedy
14th January - Jasper Rui
22nd January - Dale Paton
CECG Term Dates for NSW Schools
Term 1, 2025 (31 January to 11 April)
Friday, 31 January 2025*
- CECG system-wide pupil-free day.
Monday, 3 February 2025
- NSW pupil-free day, excluding Lake Cargelligo
Friday, 11 April 2025 - CECG system-wide pupil-free day.
Term 2, 2025 (28 April to 4 July)
Monday, 28 April 2025 - CECG system-wide pupil-free day.
Friday, 4 July 2025* CECG system-wide pupil-free day.
Term 3, 2025 (21 July to 26 September)
Monday, 21 July 2025 - CECG system-wide pupil-free day.
Friday, 26 September 2025 - CECG system-wide pupil-free day.
Term 4, 2025 (13 October to 19 December)
Monday, 13 October 2025 - CECG system-wide pupil-free day.
Friday, 19 December 2025 - CECG system-wide pupil-free day.
FREE Cricket Clinic - January 2025
Cricket NSW are once again hosting a FREEE cricket clinic at Gundagai High School in the school holidays. All the information is on the attached flyer. This clinic is open to kids between the ages of 5-12 years.