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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- WR Swimming Results
- Meet and Greet Parent/Teacher Information Evening
- COMPASS Events
- Soccer Gala Day - Tuesday 4th March in Tumut
- Show Display 2025
- Clean Up Australia Day
- Community Council - Purchase New House Shelters
- School Counselling Program
- Sporting Opportunities and Representative Pathway
- St Patrick's Day Celebrations - Friday 14th March
- Pilgrams of Hope
- Healthy Harold Life Education Van Visit
- 2025 Student Leadership Team
- Parent Communication
- Bake-It Monday/Friday Cookies
- Condolences to the Peterson Family
- Sun Safe School Procedures
- Donation from Sisters of Charity
- NAPLAN DATES for Year 3 and Year 5 Students
- Gala the Koala - Kindergarten Visit
- SWAP it Food Ideas
- Gundagai High School Information Evening
- Week 2 and Week 3 Class Awards
- WildCat Awards
- Radio News
- Altar Serving
- Canteen Roster
- Birthdays
- Dates for the Calendar
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have enjoyed a really busy start to Term One with so many school events already taking place. Our Opening School Mass last Friday was a beautiful celebration acknowledging our 2025 school leaders and an opportunity to formally welcome our Kindergarten students. Thank you to Mrs Howe for organising such a wonderful celebration and Fr Joe for celebrating Mass with us.
WR SWIMMING CARNIVAL: Congratulations to the students who represented St Patrick’s at the WR Swimming carnival in Tumut yesterday. Perfect weather conditions prevailed all day and the students’ efforts and sportsmanship were a credit to them all. Thank you to Mrs Wilson and Mr Makeham for supporting the swimmers yesterday. We would also like to congratulate Lane Johnson for receiving Runner Up Junior Boys Champion. Well done Lane.

2025 MEET & GREET/PARENT INFORMATION EVENING will be held tonight from 5.00-7.00pm. Thank you to families who have indicated they will be attending. It is always a great opportunity to connect with our families and provide more information about class programs and activities. If you are unable to attend, please reach out to your child’s teacher and ask for a copy of the information. Thank you to the School Community Council members who have offered to cook the BBQ for our families. Their support is greatly appreciated.
PRAYERS FOR POPE FRANCIS: Please keep Pope Francis in your prayers as he battles a serious health condition in hospital. Pope Francis is regarded widely as a compassionate and humble leader with a deep commitment to making the world a better place for everyone. We pray that Pope Francis receives the rest, healing and care he needs.
PRINCIPAL RETREAT: I will be attending the annual Principal Retreat in Bowral next week from Tuesday to Friday. Mrs Wilson will be in charge at St Patrick’s during this time.
Best wishes for a great week.
Christine Baron
St Patrick, Pray for us
On 15th March we will hold an early celebration to honour our Patron Saint, St Patrick’s. The actual feast day is Monday 17th March. On Saturday we will hold in a Family Mass and everyone is invited.
When: 15th March
Time: 6 pm
*** Following Mass there will be a free sausage sizzle.
So, save the date and gather your green clothes. More information to follow.
Prayer for Pope Francis

Heavenly Father,
We lift up Pope Francis to You in prayer. Grant him strength, healing, and peace during this time of illness. Guide the hands of the medical team caring for him, and bless their efforts to restore his health. May he find comfort in Your presence and continue his mission to lead and serve the Church.
Through Christ our Lord, we pray. Amen.
Jubilee Year of Hope Logo

Opening School Mass
Last Friday we celebrated a very special Opening School Mass, where we commissioned our Leaders for 2025 and welcomed our new Kindergarten children. The Church was filled with parents, grandparents and family friends to take in this special event. Father Joe expressed his gratitude to the St Patrick’s community for their wonderful participation in the Mass. Father said, it makes him so happy when he celebrates our school Masses because the children are so reverently engaged, and their singing is incredible. Well done everyone!

During Lent, many people decide to give something up that they love - perhaps chocolate, sweets or even using social media.
Others might decide to take up something, like helping out more with chores at home or making an effort to do nice things for their family and friends.
Prayer has an important focus during Lent. We take time to talk to God in prayer and make a special effort to try to attend Mass.

** Leading up to Ash Wednesday we will hold two very significant events.
- On Monday 3rd of March we will burn the palms from last year’s Palm Sunday to make the ashes that Father will place on our foreheads, in the Sign of the Cross.
- On Tuesday 4th March we will celebrate Shrove Tuesday by eating pancakes. This tradition goes back to when people would use up their excessive foods in readiness for Lent when people would do without sweet treats. Pancakes will be cooked by the teachers and served before school.
Year 5/6 will be leading us in this Mass. Everyone is welcome.
Kate Howe
A great day for swimming in Tumut yesterday! A team of 23 determined swimmers from St Patrick's represented our school at the Western Regional Carnival.
The students looked impressive in their new swimming caps, big thanks to the Community Council for purchasing these for our swim team.
All students swam their best and recorded many PB's. Their behaviour and team spirit were exceptional. It was exciting to see so many of our younger students participate in their first rep carnival.
Thank you so much to the parents who assisted with time keeping, transport and support on the day.
Special Congratulations to Lane Johnson for being Junior Boy Runner Up!
Congratulations also to the following students who will now progress to the Archdiocesan Carnival next Monday in Boorowa are:
Pippi Nicholls 50 Freestyle
Leila Gaskin - 11 yrs Freestyle, Backstroke and Butterfly
Lane Johnson - 10 yrs Freestyle, Backstroke, Butterfly and 200 IM
Mrs Wilson and Mr Makeham
Meet and Greet Parent/Teacher Information Evening
A Meet and Greet Evening for parents will take place on Tuesday 25 February (Week 4).
This is a great opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher and find out more about some of the teaching programs and activities that your child will be involved in. A free family BBQ will be available on the evening and babysitting available if required. Thank you to Community Council members for organising and cooking the BBQ.
5.00-7.00pm |
BBQ dinner available for families |
5.10-5.30pm |
School Community Council (SCC) Information Session for all parents/carers |
5.30-6.00pm |
Kindergarten |
Year 3/4 |
6.00-6.30pm |
Year 1/2 |
Year 5/6 |
6.30-7.00pm |
Opportunity to catch up with teachers from other classes if you have multiple children at the school |
The information sessions will cover topics such as::
*Daily Review Demonstration
*CECG Literacy programs including InitiaLit (K-2)
*CECG Ochre Maths Programs and Rocket Maths
*Spelling Mastery
*AMPLIFY Music program (new)
*Homework Expectations
*Classroom routines and expectations
* Q & A

Soccer Gala Day - Tuesday 4th March in Tumut
We have again this year entered teams into the Mini Socceroos and Mini Matildas Gala Day on Tuesday 4th March at Bull Paddock Oval, Clarence Street, Tumut for Years 3 to Year 6. There is a COMPASS Events page that needs parents to accept or decline before Friday 28th February to see how many teams we have.
This gala day is about participation. The emphasis is about exercise and fun, not winning. No goal count will be kept on the day.
Parents are to organise own transport to and from this event.
Children are asked to wear their sports uniform, joggers/runners if you don't own footy boots, water bottle and lunch box and shin pads are recommended but not necessary. There will be a canteen on the day, but it is recommended that you pack some food.
Please ensure you read the COMPASS events page for all the information. Draw times will be sent out shortly but we are asking for parents to be there with their children before 9am. The day will conclude at approximately 2.00pm.
A full draw with game times as well as a canteen list will hopefully be sent to school from the organisers by Monday.
Community Council - Purchase New House Shelters
Not sure if any of our families noticed our brand new house shelters for Finnegan and Donovan Houses at our Swimming Carnival recently. We are very grateful to the Community Council for purchasing both shelters for our students to use at our sporting carnivals.
Thank You to our Community Council for organising this.
Lucinda Clay our amazing School Counsellor is here at St Patrick's every Tuesday. If you have any questions or would like to find more about the school counselling services please do not hesitate to reach out to Lucinda. She can be contacted at school on Tuesdays or via email
If you would like to refer your child, please use the link below which will be sent directly to Lucinda.
Sporting Opportunities and Representative Pathway
Term 1 has numerous opportunities and pathways for sport gala days and representative Canberra Goulburn Teams.
Sport Gala Days this Term: Years 3-6
Mini Matilda's and Socceroos Day - Tuesday 4 March in Tumut
Rugby 10's (mixed) - Tumut 4th April
Netball Schools Cup (mixed) - 8 April Tumut
If your child would like to nominate to participate in these gala days, parents can complete this on the Compass Portal.
Canberra Goulburn Sports Representative Trials
These are mainly for Years 5 and 6 students who have a high/exceptional level of skill set in the sport and possibly have had rep experience in the past in the local competition. At these trials students will be trialling against a large group of other students from all over the Canberra Goulburn CG diocese. Trial numbers can be anywhere up to 50-60 students. Parents can nominate via the Canberra Goulburn sport website and this will need to be assessed and processed by the school.
Website -
Term 1 CG Trial dates:
Netball, 11 and 12 yrs Rugby League - Thursday 27 March - Canberra
Soccer - Monday 7 April - Canberra
If you have any further questions regarding any of these please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Wilson
St Patrick's Day Celebrations - Friday 14th March

10.00am Tea, coffee and includes a prayer, blessing and a Penitential Service for obtaining a Plenary Indulgence
11.45am Mass followed by bring your own lunch (tea and coffee provided)
Weather permitting, the day will conclude with a Grotto walk and rosary.
All welcome
Healthy Harold Life Education Van Visit
Tuesday 11 March:
- 11.30-1.00pm: Year 3/4 - Friends and Feelings
- 2.00-3.00pm: Kindergarten - Safety Rules
Wednesday 12 March:
- 11.30-1.00pm: Year 5/6 - Relate, Respect, Connect
- 2.00-3.00pm: Year 1/2 - Harold's Online World
Thank you to the Community Council for subsidising the cost of this program for all of our students to minimise the outlay to the families we are very grateful for this financial support.
Congratulations to the following students who were elected as school representatives in the following are of leadership:
Indi Cole and Lachlan Hargreaves
Emma Brown: Community Leader
Conor Cotterill: Community Leader
Oliver Crowe: Finnegan House Leader
Eliza Graham: Community Leader
Molly Lott: Donovan House Leader
Dale Paton: Community Leader
Year 2: Pippi Nicholls and Gus Hufton
Year 3: Billy Eccleston and Ryan Robinson
Year 4: Lilly Ferguson and Max Zhu
Year 5: Zoe Paton and Maeve Ryan
Year 6: Indi Cole and Lachlan Hargreaves
Teachers are always available for conversations with parents when requested. We value teacher/parent communication and encourage parents to make appointments to discuss any aspect of their child’s academic learning, behavioural issues, social/ emotional behaviours or any other areas related to school, when required.
Parents/Carers are asked to follow the following procedures:
- Contact the class teacher to make an appointment. Appointments can be made by emailing the teacher ( or by phoning the front office to speak directly to the teacher or to request a call back. Please DO NOT contact staff through their personal phones or social media platforms over school related matters.
- Requests to include the Principal in any meeting can also be accommodated with prior notice given.
- Teachers are only required to correspond to emails or other communication with parents between the hours of 8.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday.
- Notes from all meetings are recorded and placed on file for future reference.
REMEMBER: If you are happy go out and tell others about our great school, if you are not please come and discuss any issues with us. We are always here to support you and your child.
Don't forget to send in your $0.50 each Monday.
Cookie Roster is for each Friday as part of our School24 recess options. If you would like to go on the roster to either volunteer for bake it Monday, cookies on a Friday or to volunteer a few hours on a Friday as a canteen mum or Nan please let us know.
Condolences to the Peterson Family

- SCHOOL HATS are compulsory all year round. Please ensure your child brings their hat to school EVERY DAY. Please also ensure your child’s name is on their hat. St Patrick’s endorses the ‘No Hat, Shade motto’ however if a child continues a repeated pattern of not wearing their school hat, they will be asked to sit down at recess and lunchtimes until they bring their school hat.
- SUNSCREEN: Please apply sunscreen to your child’s exposed skin prior to coming to school. Parents are asked to supply small bottles of sunscreen for their own child to use throughout the day at school. Unfortunately, due to allergies, the school is no longer able to provide sunscreen for students.
- WATER BOTTLES: Please ensure your child has adequate water available to drink throughout the day. The school has a water refill station that they may use to refill water bottles when water levels become low. Sipping/drinking water is essential through hot weather to enable students to stay hydrated
Donation from Sisters of Charity
Last week we had a very special visitor visit our school and Yr 5/6 students. Sister Anne Mayberry from the Sisters of Charity have often supported our school with generous donations of toys and much needed funds to support our families. We are forever grateful for their support and kindness each year.
NAPLAN DATES for Year 3 and Year 5 Students

The assessments will be completed on the following days:
Wednesday 12 March - Writing
Tuesday 18 March - Reading
Wednesday 19 March - Language Conventions
Thursday 20 March - Numeracy
Friday 21 March - Catch Up Day
Gala the Koala - Kindergarten Visit
Our Kindergarten class had a special visitor as well on Tuesday last week. Gala Koala is the starting school Mascot from Mirrabooka. Gala visits all the schools in Gundagai community check in on the new kindergarten students to see how their transition into big school is going and also presents them with a gift! The children were very excited to have Gala visit.
Week 2 and Week 3 Class Awards
Congratulations to our Week 2 and Week 3 Class Awards.
Week 2 - 14th February 2025
Kindergarten - Edward Smith for great listening and showing confidence with rhyming words
Year 1/2 - Anna Nicholls for always being engaged, on task and a wonderful helper to her peers
Year 3 - Claudia Worldon for positive class participation in spelling mastery
Year 4 - Archie Peterson for fabulous home reading efforts
Year 5 - Maeve Ryan for quality responses and detailed reflections in all areas
Year 6 - Molly Lott for demonstrating eagerness to learn and maturity in all actions
Week 3 - 21st February
Kindergarten - Lennox Smart for showing enthusiam when breaking words apart
Year 1/2 - Charlotte Kennedy for her excellent news presentation
Year 3 - Ryan Robinson for his positive and settled class participation
Year 4 - Lilly Ferguson for her positive and enthusiastic work ethic
Year 5 - Lotus Li for insightful knowledge and opinions during novel study
Year 6 - Eliza Graham for writing detailed and complex sentences during novel study activities

Our students are off on a flying start with their WildCat Awards for showing they can be Responsible, Respectful and Safe. Congratulations to our recent recipients at our Friday awards afternoon.
RESPONSIBLE - Eliza Graham, Eddy Smith, Macie Hand, Bodhi Bulger, Leo Lewis, Hallie Butt, Anastasia Chittick, Imogen Graham, Lucy Nicholls, Josie Lott, Clancy Smart
RESPECT - Toby Nicholls, Lottie Worldon, Iosbel Knight-Gregson, Bodhi Bulger
SAFE - Lottie Worldon, Claudia Worldon, Josie Lott, Ryan Robinson, Clancy Smart

Tune into "Sounds of the Mountains" radio station (FM94.1) every Wednesday at 2.15pm to hear about what our classes and school have been up to over the week.
Week 8 - Wednesday 26th March : Zoe Paton and Leila Gaskin
Week 9 - Wednesday 2nd April : Emma Brown and Mackenzie Little
Week 10 - Wednesday 9th April : Reuben Smart and RV Calub
Another year older and another year wiser. We hope you had a wonderful birthday recently and celebrated with family and friends.
14th February - Lance Crowe
21st February - Michael Winters
22nd February - Gus Hufton
Week 4
- Tuesday 25 February-Meet and Greet Evening for parents/carers
Week 5
- Monday 3 March-Burning of the Palms
- Tuesday 4 March-Soccer Gala Day Years 3-6
- Tuesday 4 March-Shrove Tuesday-Pancake Day
- Wednesday 5 March-Ash Wednesday Mass at 12pm
- Friday 7 March-Week 5 Award Assembly @ 2.30pm
Week 6:
- Tuesday 11 March-Life Education Van
- Wednesday 12 March-Life Education Van
- Friday 14 March-St Patrick’s Day celebrations-wear green!
- Saturday 15 March-6pm FAMILY MASS celebration at St Patrick’s Church
- Monday 17 March-NAPLAN Writing Assessment-Years 3 and 5
- Tuesday 18 March-NAPLAN Reading Assessment-Years 3 and 5
- Wednesday 19 March-NAPLAN Language Conventions-Years 3 and 5
- Thursday 20 March-NAPLAN Numeracy Assessment-Years 3 and 5
- Friday 21 March-NAPLAN Catch up day