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- Principal News
- REC News
- Capital Works Project : News Student Amentities Timeline
- Easter Raffle Tickets
- New Chromebooks
- Lego Competition
- Cross Country
- New Mudkitchen Play Area Upgrade
- Emergency Evacuation Training
- Footsteps Dance
- Term 1 School Fees Reminder
- 2026 Open Day
- Project Compassion - 9th April
- Meat Raffle
- FREE Online Program
- Winter School Uniform
- Anzac Day 2025
- Athletics Carnival Date
- Mother's Day Morning Tea
- Week 6 and Week 7 Class Awards
- WildCat Awards
- Radio News
- Canteen Roster
- Altar Serving
- Dates for the Diary
- Birthdays
- Gundagai Netball - Winter Competition
Dear Parents and Carers,
Welcome to Week 8 of Term 1. Our term is quickly moving along.
Exciting News! Catholic Education Planning and Facilities Team have confirmed that our new Student Amenities block will begin soon. This Capital Works project has been signed off by the Director and fully funded by CECG. The project will take 12-14 weeks for completion. A brief timeline has been provided below. We have also received confirmation that our Outdoor Covered Area will also go ahead, following the completion of the Student Amenities Block. This project will be funded through combined contributions from the Jowett Estate, School funds and Catholic Education. We are so very grateful to all parents and staff that have advocated for these new improved facilities for our school community and look forward to celebrating the completion of both projects throughout this year.
NEW REVERSE CYCLE AIR CONDITIONERS: After many issues experienced with our heating and cooling facilities in our Learning Hub, the decision was made to replace the old evaporative cooling system with two brand new Reverse Cycle Air-conditioners. The decision was also made to install a new air-conditioner in the School Counsellor’s/Music/Uniform Room which will be greatly appreciated by all who use this space regularly. A new phone line has also been installed in this room to help improve services for our school counsellor, Lucinda.
HARMONY DAY: A beautiful celebration was held last Friday to acknowledge Harmony Day and the lovely cultural diversity of our school community. A special thank you to families who contributed to the delicious lunch items and to our fabulous canteen workers, Kate Hufton, Louise Crowe and Kim Paton for all their hard work in preparing and organizing such a delicious lunch.
FOOTSTEPS DANCE: As part of our PDHPE curriculum, we undertake dance lessons. We have utilised the Footsteps Dance company over the past few years to engage our students in fundamental dance movements. Footsteps will be here this week teaching dancing everyday. A disco will be held on Thursday evening. Footsteps Dance are well known for their engaging contemporary dance lessons to modern music. We look forward to welcoming Footsteps Dance instructor, Georgie to St Patrick’s this week.
NAPLAN ASSESSMENTS: Congratulations to our Year 3 and 5 students who completed their NAPLAN assessments over the past two weeks. We were every proud of all of our students for their positive attitude and aptitude during the assessments.
LONG SERVICE LEAVE: I will be taking Long Service Leave (LSL) during Weeks 9 and 10. Mrs Wilson will be Acting Principal during the time I am on leave.
Wishing everyone a great end of term and a happy and Holy Easter.
Christine Baron
St Patrick, Pray for us
St Patrick’s Day festivities
We do love to celebrate our Patron Saint and this year we did so over 3 days.
On Friday Year 3/4 and Mrs Carberry presented a beautiful Mass to begin our festivities. The children had spent a great deal of time and effort to honour St Patrick.
Following on, the whole school enjoyed the fun activities prepared by our Peer Support leaders. There were lots of laughter, smiles and great teamwork displayed by our children.
On Saturday night a Family Mass BBQ was celebrated in the Parish. It so wonderful to have so many of our school families participating in the Mass and sharing a great social occasion with the Sausage Sizzle. Thank you to all who made this a fantastic event and so successful.
Then of course, we also celebrated on Monday, the real feast day.
Happy St Patrick’s Day. We can’t wait until next year.
Weekday Masses
Wednesday at 8 am
Thursday at 5:45 pm
Friday 12 noon
Saturday 6pm (this time will change to 5pm at the end of Daylight Saving)
Project Compassion Giving


$35 Can provide hand sanitiser to increase hygiene and sanitation for community members in Samoa.
$100 Can provide water tank maintenance training so that people in Samoa can have sustainable access to clean, safe water.
$150 Can provide a household with funds needed to start their own business selling food products in the DRC.
$200 Can help support people with disabilities with rehabilitation devices recommended by physiotherapists in Vietnam.
$250 Can provide a toilet to one family in Samoa
$500 Can provide hygiene training for a community in Samoa so that they have the knowledge to prevent illness with safer hygiene practices.
$1,500 Can support 10 individuals to start their own income-generating activities, so young entrepreneurs can focus on growing their businesses in the DRC.
$6,000 Can install a toilet block at a school in Samoa so that students have access to safe and sanitary bathrooms.
Every cent that we can donate, gives someone a better start in life.
Week 10 Leading into Holy Week
This year Holy Week and Easter will fall in our school holidays. To prepare the children for these important days and events, we will be providing some reflective activities to focus on this important time in the Churches calendar as we journey with Jesus.
On Wednesday 9th April, we will host a concert by David Enever. David is a teacher with a musical background from Wagga. This concert has been designed in celebration of the ‘2025 Jubilee Year, Pilgrims of Hope’. David encourages the audience to sing and dance along with him, sharing Christian teaching and reflection around our faith. David will incorporate into his concert songs with a Lenten and Easter theme.
Our upcoming Rice Bowl Day and Long Walk for Water is a meaningful opportunity to put our Christian values into practice – a chance to empathise and stand in solidarity with those who have less.
Palm Sunday – celebrated at 6pm Mass Saturday 12th April
Holy Thursday – Washing of the Feet 6 pm
Good Friday - Stations of the Cross 10 am
- Passion of Our Lord - 3 pm
Easter Saturday – 5pm (note change of Mass time)
Altar Servers are needed for Holy Week Services. This is the busiest time in the Liturgical Calendar. Servers are needed for:
Holy Thursday: Washing of the Feet – 6pm
Good Friday: Stations of the Cross – 10 am
Passion of Our Lord - 3 pm
Holy Saturday: Sarah Gailey and Leila Gaskin (see roster)
2025 Sacramental Program
This year we will celebrate the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist (Year 3 children) and Confirmation (Year 5/6 children).
The dates for these Sacraments are as follows:
- Reconciliation – Friday 9th May Term 2
- Confirmation – Saturday 23rd August Term 3
- Eucharist – Saturday 8th November Term 4
This year the preparation for each Sacrament will be delivered during school hours.
If you know of any child from our surrounding schools who is eligible to receive these Sacraments please ask them to contact myself or Sue the Parish Secretary as soon as possible
ph 69474599 email
Kate Howe
Capital Works Project : News Student Amentities Timeline
Friday 11 April
- Demolition works begin on the current student facilities
Friday 11 April - Monday 28 April
- Demolition, removal and clean up of the site will take place
- Temporary Ablution Block for students will be erected
- Temporary relocation of students’ bubbler and water station
- Site blocked off for work to begin. Students will not be permitted in this area once tradespeople begin their work.
Tuesday 29 April onwards
- Building of new students amenities. Various trade groups will then be sequenced to come in and out to complete different sections of the work. Given the small area they will be working in, only one trade group will come in at one time.
Thank you to all of our wonderful families who have returned their raffle tickets and money for our Easter Raffle. We have plenty of extra books prepared and ready to send home if you require more tickets to sell. Just a reminder that the Community Council have prepared gifts for the students per class who sell the most raffle books.
The Easter Raffle will be drawn the last week of Term 1 so you still have a few more weeks to return your raffle books and money to the office.
Many Thanks to everyone for your support.
A huge thank you to our School Community Council (SCC) for their generous donation to our school to purchase new Chromebooks. Nine new student Chromebooks have been ordered to replace outdated and older Chromebooks. We are very grateful to SCC for their ongoing support of our technology program.
Over the last few weeks our Yr 6 Leaders have run a very successful Lego Competition during lunch time in the Library. The students have enjoyed this team building exercise. Well Done Yr 5/6

New Mudkitchen Play Area Upgrade

We are sending out a call to any of our dads, grandparents or uncles that might be able to put together the two mud kitchens that are currently located in the Admin area. We havent put them together yet because we wanted the area fixed up first before putting these new play stations in place.
If any of our talented/handy dads are willing to put them together over the holidays we would be very grateful. We can store them at the back of the school (behind the admin building) until the area if finished. Contact Jacki in the office if you can assist.
Thank You

Footsteps Dance company will be visiting St Patrick’s School during Week 8 to deliver fun and engaging dance sessions. All classes K-6 will participate in dance lessons across the 5 days.
Parents and carers are welcome to watch their child participate in the lessons:
Monday 24 March to Wednesday 26 March:
Session 1: Year 3/4 11.40-12.20pm
Session 2: Year K/1/2-12.20-1.00pm
Session 3: Year 5/6-2.00-2.40pm
Thursday 27 March:
Session 1: Year 3/4- 11.40-12.20pm
Session 2: Year 5/6-12.20-1.00pm
Session 3: Year K/1/2-2.00-2.40pm
Friday 28 March:
Session 1: Year 3/4-9.00-9.40am
Session 2: Year 5/6-9.40-10.20am
Session 3: Year K/1/2-10.20-11.00am
Footsteps Dance will also provide a disco for all students K-6. Students are welcome to come dressed in their best disco clothes and take part in the disco dance fun. Parents are asked to drop their child/ren back at school for the disco times below and pick them up at the conclusion of the disco. The disco will be supervised by teachers.
Disco Times:
Years 3/4/5/6-5.00-6.00pm

Project Compassion - 9th April
SRC Day Term 1 - Project Compassion

In the morning session the classes will watch a video of Toefutata'lga where she will describe her story. Classes will then discuss how our lives would be different if we did not have easy access to clean water like Samoans. The students will also have the option of plain rice and water for lunch.
The school will also perform a Water Walk around the oval in their peer support groups. Groups will be challenged to carry a bucket of water as far as possible without spilling.
So, remember to come to school out of uniform on Wednesday 9th of April wearing purple, blue or white for the day. Remember to also bring a hat
Written by Lilly Ferguson and Max Zhu.

ANZAC DAY: Calling all St Patrick’s students to join us in the local community ANZAC Day march on Friday 25 April. We appreciate that this is during school holidays and not all students will be able to join us, however if you are in Gundagai that day, please come along and join our staff and students who will be participating in the parade to represent St Patrick’s School.
DATE: Friday 25 April (Week 2 of school holidays)
TIME: 10.15am ready to March at 10.30am
UNIFORM: Summer Uniform with a jumper if the weather is cool
Our St Patrick’s School, Athletics Carnival is scheduled to take place on Thursday 29 May (Week 5). Please save the date in your calendar.
Week 6 and Week 7 Class Awards
Congratulations to our Week 6 and Week 7 Class Awards
Week 6 - 14th March
Kindergarten : Jaxon Wolley for trying hard when attempting tasks and developing a positive attitude towards learning
Year 1/2 : Pippi Nicholls for her descriptive and very neat writing
Year 3 : Toby Nicholls for enthusiastic participation in class activities
Year 4 : Max Zhu for being consistently accurate in Maths
Year 5 : Zoe Paton for showing initiative and checking in for feedback
Year 6 : Conor Cotterill for showing maturity and responsible behaviour
Week 7 - 21st March
Kindergarten : Daphne Simpson for trying hard in all learning areas and showing improved focus
Year 1/2 : Chelsea Crowe for her creative writing using adjectives
Year 3 : Imogen Graham for excellent number work
Year 4 : Lane Johnson for fabulous descriptive writing
Year 5 : Reuben Smart for being a mature role model and diligent in all aspects of his learning
Year 6 : Emma Brown for her enthusiasm and positive energy in all class activities

So many children receiving special WildCat Awards during week 6 and week 7. Congratulations to each and everyone of our students for showing Respect, being Safe and Responsible.
RESPONSIBLE : Claudia Worldon, Clancy Smart, Harley Rose, Lottie Worldon, Harry Barton, Lachie Barton, Lachie Hargreaves, Lane Johnson, Sarah Gailey, Remi Taylor, Lilly Ferguson, Kaydee Smith, Lucy Nicholls, Anna Nicholls, Lottie Wolrdon, Lane Crowe, Archie Peterson, Phoenix Rose, Eddy Smith, Jaxon Wolley, Sadie Nicholls, Hazel Miller, George Ryan, Conor Cotterill, Lexie Bailey
RESPECT : Phoenix Rose x 2, Clancy Smart, Mackenzie Little, Leila Gaskin, Eliza Graham, Sarah Gailey, Emma Brown, Anastasia Chittick, Tess Wilde, Leo Lewis, Reuben Smart
SAFE: Claudia Worldon, Isabella Melksham, Clancy Smart, Conor Cotterill

Tune into "Sounds of the Mountains" radio station (FM94.1) every Wednesday at 2.15pm to hear about what our classes and school have been up to over the week.
Week 8 - Wednesday 26th March : Zoe Paton and Leila Gaskin
Week 9 - Wednesday 2nd April : Emma Brown and Mackenzie Little
Week 10 - Wednesday 9th April : Reuben Smart and RV Calub
Thank you to all of our wonderful parents for volunteering to assist in the canteen over Term 1 whether it was cooking cookies, bake it Monday or helping in the canteen on a Friday we are very grateful for all you do to assist with the fundraising and running our canteen. Thank you to Louise Crowe and Kate Hufton for a great first term.
Remember to download the Spriggy Schools App if you have not already done so. Spriggy Schools is our new Canteen online order app for Friday Tuckshop days. Please contact Jacki in the office for any information should you require assistance.
If you would like to assist during Term 2 for cupcakes (Bake it Monday), Cookies on Friday or work in the canteen on Fridays please contact Louise or Kate with any questions or email Jacki to forward on information.
Remember that our last canteen day for the term will be Friday 4th of April. Bake it Monday 7th April will be our last cupcake day for Term 1.
- Monday 24 to Friday 28 March-Footsteps Dance Lessons all week
- Tuesday 25 March-School Community Council Meeting 6.30pm
- Thursday 27 March-Footsteps Dance Disco
4.00-5.00pm-Year K/1/2 disco
5.00-6.00pm-Years 3-6 disco
- Friday 28 March-12pm Year 1/2 Class Mass
- Wednesday 2 April-SPG Cross Country-Gundagai Racecourse
- Friday 4 April-Rugby Union Gala Day
WEEK 10:
- Tuesday 8 April - Netball Cup Gala Day-Tumut
- Wednesday 9 April - David Enever Concert
- Wednesday 9 April - SRC Water Walk Day (Out of Uniform)
- Thursday 10 April - Week 10 Awards Assembly 2.30pm
- Thursday 10 April - Last day of Term 1 for students 3.15pm
- Friday 11 April-Staff Professional Learning Day-no students
- Monday 28 April-Staff Spirituality Day (no students)
- Tuesday 29 April-Term 2 begins for all students K-6
- Friday 2May-WR Cross Country - Adelong/Batlow (TBC)
- Wednesday 7 May-Journeying with Jesus-Year 6 Retreat MCC Tumut
- Friday 9 May-St Patrick’s Mother’s Day celebrations
17th March - Lucy Nicholls
20th March - Tess Wilde
24th March - Reuben Smart