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Dear Families and Friends
Book Fair
This Tuesday, the 7th of August, we will celebrate Book Week. Our book week theme this year is “Find Your Treasure “and we are asking the students to come dressed as a character from a book they treasure. As part of our Book Week celebrations, we will be holding a morning tea for our grandparents and friends commencing at 9:30 at our school. This will be followed by our Book Week Parade at 10:30 and Book Fair. Please come and join us and spend time with your grandchildren in their classrooms. Grandparents/parents may also like to bring along their favourite book to read to the children.
Public speaking
Our Public speaking finals between Gundagai and Tumut will take place on the 14th of August with selected students progressing to West Wyalong on the 23rd of August. Good luck to all those students preparing for this event.
School Photos
This Friday, school photos will take place at St Patrick’s. Please ensure our children are wearing full winter uniform and have their photo envelops indicating photo orders.
Why tolerance encourages success
Want your child to be successful way past the confines of the school gate? Then you need to make sure your child is tolerant of individual differences and accepting of children and adults who look and act differently to them.
There’s no doubt that success in today’s world depends on the ability to understand, appreciate and work with others. The child who is open to differences is likely to have more opportunities in school, in business and in life in general.
Schools are diverse places
Walk into any school ground in Australia and you’ll witness diversity firsthand. You’re likely to see children from many different cultural, racial and family backgrounds. You’ll also see children with different needs and diverse ways of expressing themselves. Tolerant kids are accepting of these differences. They make friends with children and young people who may look and act differently to them.
5 ways to promote tolerance in your child:
- Help your child feel accepted, respected, and valued. When your child feels good about themselves, they are empowered to treat others respectfully.
- Model acceptance. Kids learn what they live so make sure you welcome differences in others and be sensitive to cultural or racial stereotypes.
- Challenge prejudice or narrow-minded views. Sometimes children, knowingly or unknowingly, can say the cruellest things about others. As a parent, respectfully remind your child or young person about the impact that a narrow view can have on his or her own behaviour as well as on those it may be directed towards. Intolerance of diversity is an attitude that parents should make a stand against.
- Answer children's’ questions about differences honestly and respectfully. Teach your kids that it is acceptable to notice and discuss differences as long as it is done with respect.
- Respect individual differences within your own family. Your ability to accept your children's differing abilities, interests and styles will go a long way towards establishing an attitude of tolerance in the children themselves. By valuing the uniqueness of each member of your family you are teaching your children to value the strengths of others, no matter how diverse.
Thank you, Years 5 and 6 for presenting our first school Mass for Term 3. It was a lovely Mass with children answering Father George's questions and singing with him.
Starting this week- Reconciliation and Holy Communion 2018
Reconciliation will be held on the Community/Retreat Day FRIDAY 24th August at 12pm.
First Holy Communion this year will be held at St Patrick’s Church on Saturday 25th August at 6pm.
The program will commence this Tuesday at St Patrick’s Primary School.
For the Reconciliation and Holy Communion candidates, the program requires a commitment to, attending:
- A parent information night on Monday the 6th August at 6:00pm 3 afternoon sessions for candidates (Tuesday the 7th August, 14th August and 21st August from 3:30pm – 4:30pm). These sessions will be held at St Patrick’s Primary school.
- 6:00pm Mass at the church to present the candidates to the parish community on Saturday 18th
- Reconciliation and Holy Communion preparation day (Friday 24th August), at St Patrick’s Primary school.
If you wish for your child to receive these sacraments, please contact St Patrick’s School on 69441085 or complete an online registration to provide parent and child names, contact phone number and email address. Please complete the registration process by Friday the 3rd of August.
Online Registration: Available using hyperlink REGISTRATION
OR go to:
Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you.
Dates to mark on your calendar:
10/08- Liturgy led by Years 3 and 4 (12:30pm).
15/08- Parish Mass Wednesday (12pm)
17/08- Liturgy led by SRC (12:30pm).
24/08- RECONCILIATION Mass led by Years 1 and 2 (12pm).
25/08- Holy Communion Mass (Saturday) 6pm.
31/08- Liturgy led by Kinder (12:30pm).
07/09- Mass led by Years 3 and 4 (12pm).
14/09- Liturgy led by Years 5 and 6 (12:30pm).
21/09- Liturgy led by Years 1 and 2 (12:30pm).
28/09- End of term Mass led by Staff and Leaders (12pm).
Thoughts/ Questions / Reflection for the week: Visio Divina
Use the image below to encounter the divine.
- Study the picture slowly, taking a first glance noting the colours, people, places and things. Remain with the image for one to two minutes. If you would like, jot down a few words about the image.
- Take a second, deeper, look. Where is there movement? What relationships do you see? Engage your imagination. Where are you in the artwork? What do you see from that perspective? What deeper meaning emerges?
- Respond to the image with prayer. Did the image remind you of an experience, person or issue for which you’d like to offer thanksgiving? In what way does God’s promise change, or not change how you visualize your relationship with the earth, each other, and God? Offer your thoughts as a prayer to God.
- Find your quiet centre. Breathe deeply. Relax your shoulders, arms and legs. Rest in this quiet. Let God pray in you. God prays beyond words.
God Bless, Mrs Flanagan REC
Library News
Dear Families and Friends
Tomorrow, Tuesday the 7th of August St Patrick’s will be celebrating the “Children's Book Council Australia” Book Week.
The focus for book week this year is “Find your Treasure”.
We will begin our day with a morning tea for our Grandparents and friends at 9:30.
At 10:30 we will commence our much-anticipated book week parade. We are asking all children to come dressed as a character from their most treasured book. Children can come to school in their costume or they can come in casual clothes and put their costume on for the parade. NO SCHOOL UNIFORM.
We are also asking Grandparents and friends to spend time in our classrooms or read a treasured story to our children.
Our Annual Scholastic Book Fair will also operating this week. It will be set up in the Library. This is a great opportunity for all grandparents, parents, friends and students to purchase books at great prices. Also, many friends and families purchase a book or two to donate back to our school library. Please remember that the school receives 35% of all sales to purchase more books.
On this day we will again be holding a trivia afternoon for all the students from 2.00pm This year’s theme will be “Treasured Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes”. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Justine Hughes
School Photos
Once again we will be having MSP Photography here this Friday for our school photos. Photographs are always taken in the morning so please ensure that your child/ren are dressed in full winter uniform and that you avoid appointments for your children at this time.
Going home today in school bags are the photo envelopes.
All envelopes are to be returned on or before Friday regardless of whether you are ordering photos or not.
You must make contact with the front office if you would like a sibling photo envelope and I will send one home with your eldest child.
Do not make out cheques to the school or send in money that requires change. This transaction sits outside of the school office we are merely a host for the photography company and this is a service they provide to you the parents.
We are getting very excited about the upcoming trivia night, a major event on our fundraising calendar for the year. Last week a set of raffle tickets for each family to sell were sent home in school bags. There are some fantastic prizes including an Apple watch as the first prize! Tickets are $2 each and if you can have them returned with the money collected by this Wednesday, 8 August it would be greatly appreciated.
Tables are filling up fast but please extend the invitation to join us on the night to friends, family and your community groups. The more the merrier and the tougher the competition!
Trent Barrett - Catering Helpers required
Our Year 3 & 4 students will be participating in the Annual Trent Barrett Shield next Wednesday here in Gundagai. It is St Pat's turn to run the canteen this year and our profits will go towards our overall fundraising budget for the year.
Going home tomorrow will be a note requesting parent/grandparent helpers so please keep a lookout in school bags. You may not have a child in this age group but this might be something you are happy and able to accommodate in the spirit of 'many hands make light work'.
Week 1 Term 3
KINDERGARTEN: Christyne Calub - always being ready to work and trying her best.
YEAR 1/2: Bonne Wooderson - showing speed and accuracy when adding 2 numbers together in Maths.
YEAR 3/4: Maggie Peterson - creating & performing accurate scripts and skilful drama.
YEAR 5/6: Tom Scott - enthusiastic and deep analysis of poetry.
Week 2 Term 3
KINDERGARTEN: Taite Johnson - being a kind and caring class member and doing great work.
YEAR 1/2: Jack Paton - painting a beautiful "Creation" painting, using detail and creativity.
YEAR 3/4: Locky Eccleston - a fully fixed holiday newspaper report.
YEAR 5/6: Allie Sullivan - experimenting with a variety of poetry elements in her own poem.
Week 1 Term 3
RESPECTFUL: Don Cotterill, Charlotte Curtis, Hugh Graham & Jess McDonnell
SAFE: Hugh Graham
Week 2 Term 3
Happy birthday to the following people who celebrate their birthdays during the last two weeks.
Nicholas Quine celebrated his birthday on Sunday 29 July.
Alexander Ryan celebrated his birthday on Thursday 2 August.
Harrison Crowe celebrated his birthday on Sunday 12 August.
We hope that you had a lovely birthday.
The Gundagai Netball Club is calling an extra-ordinary meeting. The meeting is to fill the position of Treasurer which recently has become vacant.
(6.30 FOR DINNER – 7.00 MEETING)
Please come along and join us. The Gundagai Netball Club has some exciting events in the pipeline.
Contact :
Kay Makeham – 0409 035818
Donna Scott – 0458 081787
Radio Presentation 2.30pm Wed | 8 August |
Sam Crane Benji Leane |
15 August |
William Naughton Hugh Graham |
22 August |
Don Cotterill Tom Scott |
Altar Serving Saturday 6pm | 11 August |
Tom Scott Sarah Scott |
18 August |
Abby McDonnell Molly mcDonnell |
25 August |
Peter Reardon Lochie Wilson |
Tuckshop Workers | 10 August |
Simone Jones Colleen Jones |
17 August |
Leanne McDonnell Jacki Fairall |
24 August |
Kellie Crane Michelle McDonnell |
Cookies | 10 August |
Lauren Gailey Madeline Ryan |
17 August |
Leanne McDonnell Jacki Fairall |
24 August |
Michelle McDonnell Ruth Quine |
Cupcake Monday | 6 August |
Leanne McDonnell Lisa Peterson |
13 August |
Lisa Ryan Cal Reardon |
20 August |
Jess Nugent Lauren Gailey |
Meat Raffle Friday 6.45 pm | 10 August |
Scott Wilson Dave Scott |
17 August |
Doug McDonnell Vincent Powell |
24 August |
Jeremy Pearce Mark Peterson |