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Dear Families and Friends
Catholic Student Youth Ministry Australia
Last Friday, I gathered with a number of school leaders, priests and our Archbishop Christopher Prowse, to discuss how we can further develop staff and student faith based formation programs. This was a great opportunity to learn from the experiences of other dioceses and ministry leaders and plan pathways for Youth Ministry action for our school and parish. A very positive symposium day, juxtaposed to the negative press the Catholic Church is receiving at present. I believe all participants found the dialogue and input to be inspiring and affirming in our commitment to Catholic education. I wish to extend the invitation to any parent or community member wishing to meet and discuss Youth Ministry Pathways or the nature and purpose of our Catholic schools.
Kindergarten enrolments for 2019
If you intending on enrolling your child in Kindergarten for 2019 or know a family member or friend who is considering our school, please call by the front office and pick up an enrolment package.
Please note the following Kinder transition and orientation dates:
- Little Learners transition to school group 9:00am – 10:00am beginning on the 19th October
- Kinder 2019 Information Evening 6:00pm Monday 22nd October
- Kinder Orientation half days 9:00am – 12:00pm. On Tuesday the 23rd and 30th of October and the 6th of November.
Focus on Learning
At present, I am engaging with the school staff and students to reflect on the feedback and feedforward processes that are present in our school. Our aim is to examine and refine existing feedback strategies with a view to clarifying our students’ understanding of the learning process as well as building their learning capacity, growth mindset and well-being. This action research is based on the research of John Hattie’s’ “Visible Learning”, Mark Treadwell’s “The Future of Learning” and Anne Graham’s “Improving Wellbeing Through Student Participation”. This year, I have had the privilege of working with all three professors, alongside a number of Sydney principals involved in similar research. We meet in Sydney later this year to present our research.
Archdiocesan Schools Survey
The annual surveys of Staff, Parents and Students in all schools across the Archdiocese will be conducted this term. The survey period will open on the 21st of August and conclude on the 1st September. All parents at St Patrick’s will receive an emailed link to the survey. I encourage you to complete the School Satisfaction Surveys as they are designed to gather feedback from parents, staff and students about our school and will be used to strategically and systematically move St Patrick’s forward to improve student wellbeing and learning outcomes.
2018 UNSW ICAS Spelling Competition Results
We would like to congratulate the 11 students who chose to further extend themselves in this challenging test. Our school achieved 6 credit and 5 participation certificates, a result we are most proud of.
Congratulations to:
CREDIT recipients: Sophie Graham, Oliver Gailey, Juliet Pearce, Sadie Eccleston, Asher Jones and Lily McDonnell
PARTICIPATION: Anson Chew, Jessica McDonnell, Mia Naughton, Harrison Crowe and Will Naughton
Student of the Month Awards
This Friday at our 2:30 assembly, seven students will be receiving a Student of the Month Award. This award will be presented twice each term in weeks 5 and 10. One student from each class is selected based on the following criteria:
- consistent effort to achieve at their best
- co-operative / collaborative learning behaviours
- displaying a positive learning attitude towards all tasks.
The above criteria reflect the core skills required of 21st century learners. As our students understand and engage in the learning process, they develop learner competencies that will allow them to take increasing agency over their own learning. Parents / carers of those students selected for the Student of the Month Award have been notified via email.
Velvet's thought of the week:
“The more we care for the happiness of others, the greater our own sense of well-being”
REC News
Thank you, SRC for leading the school Liturgy last Friday.
Reconciliation and Holy Communion 2018
Please keep in your thoughts and prayers the Reconciliation and Holy Communion candidates who are preparing to make these sacraments.
Sacred Heart of Jesus ever present in our lives,
Hear our prayer as the children prepare to receive First Holy Communion.
Grant them, Our Lord Loving Grace.
Help them to still their hearts with mindful prayer as they prepare to receive at the Table of Our Lord,
The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Reconciliation will be held this Friday after the Years 1 and 2 Mass at 12pm.
First Holy Communion will be at St Patrick’s Church this Saturday 25th August at 6pm.
Dates to mark on your calendar:
24/08- RECONCILIATION Mass led by Years 1 and 2 (12pm).
25/08- Holy Communion Mass (Saturday) 6pm.
31/08- Liturgy led by Kinder (12:30pm).
07/09- Mass led by Years 3 and 4 (12pm).
14/09- Liturgy led by Years 5 and 6 (12:30pm).
21/09- Liturgy led by Years 1 and 2 (12:30pm).
28/09- End of term Mass led by Staff and Leaders (12pm).
Thoughts/ Questions / Reflection for the week: Visio Divina
Use the image below to encounter the divine.
- Study the picture slowly, taking a first glance noting the colours, people, places and things. Remain with the image for one to two minutes. If you would like, jot down a few words about the image.
- Take a second, deeper, look. Where is there movement? What relationships do you see? Engage your imagination. Where are you in the artwork? What do you see from that perspective? What deeper meaning emerges?
- Respond to the image with prayer. Did the image remind you of an experience, person or issue for which you’d like to offer thanksgiving? In what way does God’s promise change, or not change how you visualize your relationship with the earth, each other, and God? Offer your thoughts as a prayer to God.
- Find your quiet centre. Breathe deeply. Relax your shoulders, arms and legs. Rest in this quiet. Let God pray in you. God prays beyond words.
God Bless, Mrs Flanagan REC
Another fantastic night was had by participants at this year's St Pat's Trivia night fundraiser. This year's theme was Movies and there was a bevvy of colourful movie characters on hand to answer quiz questions and create a lively atmosphere.
Many thanks to the organising committee Sarah Graham, Kate Graham, Madeline Ryan, Michelle McDonnell, Pete and Carolyn Reardon who were all very happy with the night, especially seeing so many from the wider Gundagai community there.
The night was a great fundraising success raising $2930.00 The lucky winners of the raffle were:
Melissa Carberry - 1st Prize Apple Watch
Monica Reardon - 2nd Prize Project Ten Tote Bag Bundle
Doug McDonnell - 3rd Prize Somerville Wellbeing Voucher
Dwayne Murray - 4th Prize Bottle of Wine
Last Tuesday 8 of our students represented St Patrick's at the Public Speaking in Tumut. The adjudicators commented that was a very high standard and complimented the children on their intelligent and interesting speeches. Whilst it was a very close competition this year they have chosen only one competitor from each year level to go through to the next competition in West Wyalong on 22 August. Tom Scott will be representing Year 6 at this level and we wish him all the very best.
A big thank you to Cheryl Levien for giving up her time to prepare our public speakers for their inter-school competition with McAuley Tumut. Cheryl gave the children valuable practice time, advice and feedback. We would like to thank Cheryl for her assistance and expertise.
Last Wednesday the Year 3/4 students travelled down to Anzac Park, to take part in the Trent Barrett Rugby League/ League Tag Gala Day.
The boys also played 3 fantastic games of league - coming away with 2 wins and being beaten by one try in the final.
The level of participation and sportsmanship shown on the day by every single student was phenomenal. They all got in and had a go, and most importantly had fun!
A massive thank you to Sarah Graham for coordinating the canteen on the day, and to all that helped things to run smoothly throughout the day.
Another big thanks to the 4 St Joseph's Adelong boys who joined our boys' team, and their teachers and parents who helped make that happen.
Most importantly, a huge thanks to Mr Ferguson, and Mick Eccleston, who prepared both teams for such an enjoyable day.
Congratulations to Sam Turk and Abby McDonnell for receiving player of the day for their teams! They played their hearts out!
SRC & St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal
Last Friday 17th of August the SRC held a special Liturgy to support the St Vincent De Paul Winter Appeal. We thank you all for your support and generosity in providing warm clothing and blankets to help out those in need.
We would like to extend our best wishes to Abbey Flanagan and Lochie Wilson who will be representing our School in the Archdiocesan Athletics in Canberra on Tuesday. Abbey will be representing our school in shot put and Lochie in the 100, 200, 800m, high jump and long jump. Best of luck to Abbey and Lochie.
Please ensure that if you have a sibling starting at St Pat's in 2019 that you drop in your completed application form along with originals of required documents for citation and copying.
2018 UNSW ICAS Spelling Competition Results
We would like to congratulate the 11 students who chose to further extend themselves in this challenging test.
Our school achieved 6 credit and 5 participation certificates, a result we are most proud of.
Congratulations to:
CREDIT recipients: Sophie Graham, Oliver Gailey, Juliet Pearce, Sadie Eccleston, Asher Jones and Lily McDonnell
PARTICIPATION: Anson Chew, Jessica McDonnell, Mia Naughton, Harrison Crowe and Will Naughton
Gundagai Public School (After School) Auskick Centre
Every Monday starting 20th August till 10th Sept (3.30pm - 4.30pm)
Safe, fun, action-packed 4 week program of games and skill development, ideal for boys and girls in all Years K to 6 for only $46! Kids also receive a full Auskick Pack!
Register Now at and enter
Gundagai Public School (After School) AFL Auskick Centre and follow the prompts. Contact: Ben Walsh ( 0403626528
Week 3 Term 3
KINDERGARTEN: YEAR 1/2: Anson Chew - trying hard to stay focused and on task. YEAR 3/4: Addison Fairall - a creative, artistic and accurate Government Machine. YEAR 5/6: Lily McDonnell - exceptional inquiry into the sum of consecutive numbers.
Week 4 Term 3 KINDERGARTEN: Alexander Ryan - great writing using effective strategies to work out unfamiliar words. YEAR 1/2: Hugh Ryan - kind and cooperative class member. YEAR 3/4: Asher Jones - an entertaining and informative book talk. YEAR 5/6: Lochie Wilson - an impressive poem "love Sets Adrift" for the Pens Against Poverty Writing Competition.
Week 3:
RESPONSIBLE: Archie McDonnell x 2, Joseph Gailey, Alexander Ryan & Denver Blundell.
RESPECTFUL: Emily Ryan, Archie McDonnell, Charlie Stevens & Taite Johnson
SAFE: Ella Nugent
Week 4:
RESPONSIBLE: Charlotte Curtis, Riley Smith, Archie Mcdonnell, Taite Johnson, Denver Blundell, Mia Naughton, Montanna Manns, Darby Jones & Ella Nugent
RESPECTFUL: Charlie Stevens, Tyler Manns, Pippa Fitzgerald, Darby Jones, Ella Nugent & Benny Bartlett
Happy birthday to the following people who celebrate their birthdays during the last two weeks.
Lincoln Fallon celebrated his birthday on Wednesday 15 August
Sarah Scott celebrated her birthday on Wednesday 15 August
We hope that you had a lovely birthday.
An annual satisfaction survey of parents, students and staff will be conducted on behalf of all Catholic schools in the Diocese this term. The surveys are designed to gather feedback from parents, staff and students about our school and will be used to inform school improvement. Responses are confidential and individuals cannot be identified.
The surveys will be launched via email on August 20 and close on August 31, 2018, using the email addresses supplied to the school. If you do not receive an email with a link to the survey on 20th August, you can access and complete the survey at the following link.
Radio Presentation 2.30pm Wed | 22 August |
Don Cotterill Tom Scott |
Altar Serving Saturday 6pm | 18 August |
Abby McDonnell Molly McDonnell |
1 September |
Lillian McDonnell Addison Fairall |
Tuckshop Workers | 24 August |
Kellie Crane Helper Required |
31 August |
Sam Johnson Renee Lindley |
7 September |
Leanne McDonnell Brooke Kerrin |
Cookies | 24 August |
Michelle McDonnell Ruth Quine |
31 August |
Sam Johnson Cal Reardon |
7 September |
Shannon Bartlett Jess Nugent |
Cupcake Monday | 20 August |
Jess Nugent Lauren Gailey |
27 August |
Lisa Peterson Madeline Ryan |
3 September |
Lisa Wilson Bec Wheeler |
Meat Raffle Friday 6.45 pm | 24 August |
Jeremy Pearce Mark Peterson |
31 August |
Jess Nugent Jacki Tozer |
7 September |
Kevin Paton Craig Ferguson |