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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- School Counsellor
- Panadol and Asthma Permission Forms
- Community Council Update - OPEN FORUM
- Class Merit Award Recipients
- Wildcat Award Recipients
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- St Patrick's Festival of Music and Fun
- NRL Skill Development
- Tumut Basketball Association
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- Rural and Regional School Travel
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Dear Parent and Carers,
Thank you to everyone who was able to come along and support our Swimming Carnival and/or the Opening School Mass.
The students are to be commended on their positive attitude and wonderful behaviour at both events. At the St Patrick's Swimming Carnival everyone got into the spirit of the day and it was fantastic to see students cheering each other on, regardless of which house they were in. It was also very inspiring to see students getting in and giving their best on the day. Year 6 are to be congratulated with leading the way and entering into the spirit of the day by modelling great leadership across the day. Congratulations to our 2019 Swimming Champions and winning house Donovan on a very successful day! Well done to every student for their positive and happy attitude across the day.
Congratulations to our swimming team that competed at the Western Region Carnival in Tumut last Friday.
Each child put in a fantastic effort in the pool in both individual and team relay events. The students are to be congratulated on their excellent behaviour especially their encouragement of one another in the pool. Thank you to parents for their support on the day.
Special congratulations to Charlie Hindmarsh who made it through to the Archdiocesan Carnival to be held in Narooma on Monday 3rd March. Charlie will represent in the Boys 9 years 50m Free, Jun Boyes 20m IM and the Jun Boys 50m Butterfly. Well done Charlie!
Congratulations to all our school leaders who were formally inducted at the Opening School Mass on Friday. This included our School Captains, Year 6 leaders and SRC representatives. The Mass was a lovely celebration to begin our school year. Once again all our students are to be commended on their prayerfulness and respectful participation in the Mass.
This year our Year 6 leaders have been given specific areas of responsibility as leaders.
Sports Specialists: Benny and Alix
Hospitality Hosts: Ella and Molly
Environmental Enthusiasts’: Isaac and Max
Media Moguls: Henry and Lily
Each role comes with specific duties which the students carry out as necessary. Year 6 have embraced these roles enthusiastically and are proving to be very responsible leaders.
Each classroom was busily preparing work and creative pieces for our school display at the Gundagai Show over the weekend. We hope you took the opportunity to come along and see our schools’ presentation.
I'm looking forward to meeting some new faces at this Thursday's Community Council Open Forum.
Best wishes for a happy week,
Christine Baron
REC News
Opening School Mass and Commissioning of School Leaders.
On Friday 8th February Years 5 and 6 led our opening school Mass and commissioning of school leaders.
Our School Captains and Leaders received their Leadership badges and our 2019 SRC members received their badges.
The Kindergarten students were given a little gift from their Year Six buddies.
It was a lovely celebration with Father Namora and parishioners.
Mass and Liturgy Times:
This term, Mass will be on Fridays at 12pm and Liturgies will be Friday at 12:30pm.
Liturgies at this stage will be held at the school.
Dates to mark on your calendar:
08/02- Opening Mass led by Years 5 and 6 (12pm)
15/02- Liturgy led by Years 3 and 4 (12:30pm)
22/02- Mass led by Years 1 and 2 (12pm)
01/03- Mass led by Years 5 and 6 (12pm).
05/03- TUESDAY Burning of the Palms
06/03- ASH Wednesday MASS led by Years 3 and 4 (12pm).
15/03- St Patrick’s Day MASS led by SRC (12pm).
22/03- Liturgy led by Years 1 and 2 (12:30pm).
29/03- Mass led by Years 5 and 6 (12:30pm).
05/04- Liturgy led by KINDER and BUDDIES (12:30pm).
12/04- End of term Mass led by whole school (12pm).
Prayer / Thoughts / Questions / Reflection for the week:
When we put our problems in God’s hands, He puts his Peace in our hearts.
God Bless, Mrs Flanagan REC
The School Counsellor - Melissa will be visiting the school this Thursday and again on Thursday 21 March.
If you would like to have your child visit the counsellor please ensure that you have filled out a referral form available at the front office.
Panadol and Asthma Permission Forms
Please ensure that the Panadol Permission Form and Asthma identification notes have been returned by Wednesday at the latest so that our files can be updated accordingly. These were handed out to Kindergarten during Week 2.
If your child has developed Asthma or alegies over the holiday period please ensure that you make the front office aware of these changes.
Any medication that is sent to school must be clearly labelled with directions and left at the front office. No medications are to be taken by the student or kept in a student's bag through out the day.
Week 2 Term 1
KINDERGARTEN/Year 1: Eliza Graham - taking great pride in class work.
YEAR 1/2: Skye Somerville - putting in super efforts with her writing.
YEAR 3/4: Gracie Peterson - her super effort in the Swimming Carnival.
YEAR 5/6: Henry Hindmarsh - speed and accuracy with multiplication facts and knowledge of whole numbers.
Week 3 Term 1
KINDERGARTEN/Year 1: Harry Peterson - quick addition of 2 numbers.
YEAR 1/2: Alexander Ryan - a thoughtful "Prayer for Rain" for our show display.
YEAR 3/4: Akacia Winchester - impressive individual and cooperative learning styles.
YEAR 5/6: Molly McDonnell - providing a high level of care & guidance to her Kinder buddies & infants children.
Week 3 Term 1:
RESPECTFUL: Lily Cotterill, Jack Ryan and Molly McDonnell
Birthday Celebrations for February so far have included:
Akacia Winchester celebrated on 11 February
Henry Hindmarsh celebrated on 14 February
Savannah Manns celebrated on 15 February
Maggie Peterson celebrates on Wednesday 20 February
Oliver Gailey celebrates on Thursday 21 February
Last Thursday's visit was an active clinic with Courtney. The clinics are designed to help Students understand the link between team work and support for one another and how that correlates with supporting and being there for our friends in the classroom and when interacting online to remain cyber safe.
Team Nomination forms for the 2019 Autumn Competition are available from Pie in the Sky Bakery and Sportspower or This season the committee will be accepting expressions of interest from Kindergarten aged children.
Team Nominations must be submitted on or before Monday 18th February, 4pm to 6pm at Club Tumut.
Any registration enquiries can be made to the Registrar, Debbie Webb on 0427 647027 or through Tumut Basketball Facebook page. Further information for the upcoming comp can be found on the website.
1st Gundagai is an active Scout Group with very experienced Leaders.
Scouting teaches independence and leadership skills through challenges and outdoor adventures.
Activities include:- Canoeing
Survival Skills/First Aid
Community Based Activities
Scouts – 11 to 15 years - meet on Wednesdays from 4pm until 6pm
Cubs – 8 to 11 years – meet on Fridays from 6pm until 7.30pm
Children very welcome to come along and try for a few weeks before deciding whether to join.
For more information please contact Lynda Petty, Group Leader on 0432 242 333
Or email –
Rural and Regional School Travel
School Bus Travel
Please don't forget to update your school bus travel over the holidays if you have new family members starting school or leaving to start high school you may need to update their details.
Follow the details in the brochure
Radio Presentation 2.30pm Wed | 20 February |
Max Graham Molly McDonnell |
27 February |
Isaac Pearce Alix Kerin |
Altar Serving Saturday 6pm | 23 February |
Molly McDonnell Abby McDonnell |
2 March |
Peter Reardon Lincoln Fallon |
9 March |
Lillian McDonnell Lily Cotterill |
16 March |
Isaac Pearce Juliet Pearce Josie Quine |
Tuckshop Workers | 22 February |
Sarah Graham Madeline Ryan |
1 March |
Renee Lindley Anne Field |
Cookies | 22 February |
Bec Gaskin Anita Manns |
1 March |
Sam Johnson Michelle McDonnell |
Cupcake Monday | 25 February |
Rebecca Gaskin Shannon Bartlett |
4 March |
Jess Nugent Emma Peterson |