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- Principal's Report
- REC News
- Athletics Carnival
- Western Region Athletics Carnival
- My Body My Life Presentations
- Beanie's for Brain Cancer Day
- Community Council Monster Raffle
- Canteen Worker Required - Last Friday of Term 2
- Annual Trivia Night - Save the Date
- Classroom Support Assistant Position Vacant
- Part Time Parish Secretary for St Patrick's Catholic Church
- Class Merit Award Recipients
- Wildcat Award Recipients
- Rosters
Dear Parents,
Second term has flown by very quickly! Teachers are busily finalising reports ready for final proofreading and editing. I would like to say an enormous thank you to the teachers for the many hours and effort they have put into compiling all the information about your child’s educational journey over the past two terms. It is always a pleasure to read about individual children’s growth and achievements.
STAFF NEWS: Congratulations are extended to Jacki Fairall on her appointment as our new Office Administrator at St Patrick’s. The staff and I would like to welcome Jacki to our team and look forward to working with her. Until Jacki can commence in her fulltime position, the office will be attended to by staff as often as possible through the day, for the rest of the term. Jacki will be here Wednesday to Friday over the next few weeks with Ms Luff and Mrs Francis helping out on other days. We thank everyone in advance for their patience over the remaining weeks of term.
Other staff announcements this week include the resignation of our Classroom Assistant Support, Mrs Kristi Francis. Kristi will finish up at St Patrick’s at the end of this term. Kristi and her family are moving to Wollongong and we wish them every happiness as they head to their new coastal life. We thank Kristi for her wonderful care and support of our students over the past one and half years.
Ms Heidi Luff will also be taking leave from her Classroom Support Assistant position here at St Patrick’s for the next two terms. Ms Natasha Smith will fill this role during Terms 3 and 4. Once again we would like to thank Heidi for her extraordinary care and support of our students over the past 9 years. We hope to see Heidi back at St Patrick’s next year. Best wishes Heidi!
Congratulations are also extended to our wonderful relief teacher, Ms Cat Dawson and her partner Doug, who have some very special news, with twin babies being expected in November this year. We wish them all the best in the months ahead and are very excitedly awaiting November!
This week…………
YEAR 6 EXCURSION: Our Year 6 students are enjoying a fabulous time away at Narrabeen Sport and Recreation Centre. We are all enjoying the daily updates and Facebook posts especially the huge smiles on their faces. Thank you to Mrs Wilson and Mrs Hughes for being their ‘mums’ and taking extra special care of them, throughout the week. We look forward to their return on Friday.
Coming up……………….
MY BODY, MY LIFE: Year 5 and 6 have been invited to attend the My Body, My Life educational sessions this coming Monday evening with their parents, with a follow up session on Tuesday at school. Parents have received information in regard to this program.
SCHOOL REPORTS: School Reports will be sent home next Monday 24th June. Parent Teacher meetings will be held the following week. Please return your slips to indicate your meeting time with teachers.
2020 KINDERGARTEN INFORMATION SESSION: will be held next Thursday 27th June commencing at 5.30pm in the Murrumbidgee Room. Please let families and friends know about this date and encourage them to come along and see the great things happening at St Patrick’s School.
WR ATHLETICS CARNIVAL: We wish all our students competing in the Western Region Athletics Carnival at Cootamundra next Friday a wonderful day of competition. We know they will give their best on the day and be great representatives for our school.
DIRECTOR VISIT: Mr Ross Fox, Director of Catholic Education and Mr Tim Smith, Performance and Improvement Leader from CE, will visit St Patrick’s School on Friday 28th June from 1-3.00pm. We always look forward to visits from Catholic Education visitors specially to show off our amazing St Patrick’s students, staff and great community.
CONFIRMATION: On Saturday 29th June, 27 children will be receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in St Patrick’s Church. Our sincere gratitude is extended to the Parish Liturgy Group, Denise Reardon, Cal Reardon, Madeline Ryan, Anne Saunderson and Kate Howe for the fabulous Confirmation Program they have run over the past month. Thank you also to the wonderful parents who have turned up weekly to support their children on their sacramental journey.
Best wishes for a fabulous week ahead,
Christine Baron
Year 1 and 2 Mass
This mass was beautifully presented on the theme of Pentecost. We thank Mrs Howe and Mrs Eccleston for preparing the children. They read beautifully and sang strongly.
Confirmation Preparation
Just a reminder that our Confirmation children and their parents will meet again this Saturday 22 June at 4:30pm. We continue to keep these children in our prayers. Every class has a special prayer reminder on their prayer table to pray for all of the 27 children.
The sacrament will be celebrated on 29 June at St Patrick’s Church.
Sacrament of Confirmation Information
- After the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 29th June, families will have the chance to have a group photo in the church and a photo with Fr George. NO PHOTOS ARE TO BE TAKEN DURING THE CEREMONY.
- The organisers acknowledge the hours of preparation families have been involved in, and that on Confirmation evening you would appreciate getting home out of the cold to celebrate this special night. Therefore there will NOT be a Supper in the School Hall as in past years.
- All children will receive a Confirmation Cupcake after the ceremony to enjoy at home. They will also receive a Confirmation Memento Box to place special items in- certificate, sash, pin, etc.
- Children should be in their “best winter clothes” - they will be given their Confirmation Sash and Confirmation Pin when they arrive at the Hall.
- All Candidates should assemble by 5.40pm at the latest in the Upstairs Hall area.We will be on hand to attach pins to their sash and calm any nerves! There will be a seating plan at the back of the church for Sponsors. Sponsors are not required in the hall with the Candidates.
- All Confirmation Candidates will sit with their Sponsor directly behind them, in the first 10 centre pews of the church. Parents, other family members and guests will need to be seated in other available pews or upstairs in the choir loft. For those with mobility issues, we advise that you sit on the side close to the altar - so if needed, Father George can administer Communion to you easily.
Altar Serving Training
There will be a special training session conducted in Term 3, on Tuesday 13 August for all altar servers with Mrs Wilson and Father George and Namora. This date coincides with the feast day of Saint John Berchmans, patron saint of all altar servers. This will allow for new members from Year 3 to nominate and train after receiving the sacrament of First Holy Communion
Volunteers Needed
The Parish is calling for new members of the community to consider volunteering to go on the reading roster for Saturday night mass. Please leave your name at the school or contact the Parish via their website.
Mass and Liturgy Times:
This term, Mass will be on Fridays at 12pm every 2nd week at the Church.
Dates to mark on your calendar:
21/06- Mass led by Kinder and Year 1 (12pm).
05/07- Mass led by SRC(12pm)
Prayer for the week:
Acts 2
The Holy Spirit Comes at Pentecost
When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them.
Walking with you in Faith and Knowledge,
Mrs Wilson
Acting REC
St Patrick's Athletic's Carnival
Another successful Athletic's Carnival was held on 6th of June with lots of smiling happy faces participating in all events with positive attitudes and supporting their peers. Thank you to all parents, grandparents and teachers who helped run the day with their timekeeping skills and encouragement. Without your help and support our carnival days would not run as smoothly as they do.
This years Age Champions are:
Junior Girl - Juliet Pearce
Junior Boy - Locky Eccleston
Intermediate Girl - Sadie Eccleston
Intermediate Boy - Samuel Turck
Senior Girl - Lillian McDonnell
Senior Boy - Max Graham
Donovan took out this year's Athletics House overall winners and the celebration was heard by all.
Congratulations to you all.
Our Western Region Carnival will be held on Friday 28th of June. Could you please ensure Permission Notes and money are returned to the school by this Friday 21st June
Western Region Athletics Carnival
A team from the Archdiocese will be coming to St Patrick’s Primary School
on the evening of Monday 24 June 2019 from 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm to present the
My Body, My Life Puberty and Personal Development Program to our Year 5 and 6 students and their parents.
Children must be accompanied to the evening session by their parent or guardian. Both or either parents are very welcome to attend, and it’s great if a parent of the same gender can be present as they have been through the changes themselves. Boys and girls will be separated for this presentation so if you have both a boy and a girl in this age group, a parent or guardian will need to be present with each child.
The following day, during school hours, the program will continue for the morning session, in class. It will include a recap of the evening material, with an emphasis on self-esteem, making good choices regarding friendships and dealing with peer pressure. The daytime session features small group work conducted by trained facilitators, allowing the students to ask questions and further discuss what they are learning.
Our SRC are holding an "Out of Uniform" day on the last day of term being Friday 5th of July. We ask that the students wear a beanie and bring a gold coin donation.
Leanne McDonnell is also organising a sausage sizzle for this day and we will send out more information about the day later next week.
Thanks for your support - SRC Members
Community Council Monster Raffle
Monster Raffle consisting of 3 prizes totaling over $8000!
Tickets will be sold at a number of events over the remainder of the year with the winners being announced at the end of year functions.
Tickets are $5 each available from the school, Gundagai Real Estate, Wrens Store and Styling and the Gundagai Newsagency.
1st Prize a 7x5 trailer complete with crate and rego. Also will bhave a canoe, $600 worth of wine and $3500 worth of vouchers
2nd Prize $1500 Harvey Norman voucher
3rd Prize $500 Harvey Norman voucher
Canteen Worker Required - Last Friday of Term 2
We are looking for a parent helper who is available to work in the Canteen on the last day of term 2 - Friday 5th of July if you are able to assist could you please notify the front office. Much appreciated for your assistance.
Annual Trivia Night - Save the Date
Friday 2nd August
St Patrick's
Annual Trivia Night
Book the babysitter and stay tuned for more details regarding the ever popular St Pat's Trivia Night.
Classroom Support Assistant Position Vacant
We are in the process of advertising through the Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn website for a Classroom Support Assistant to work at our school 12 hours per fortnight (Monday and Tuesday 9:30am-12:30pm) This will be a temporary position until the 20th of December. All information can be found on the website and applications close on Friday 28th of June. Certificate III or IV in School Support Services is highly desirable.
Part Time Parish Secretary for St Patrick's Catholic Church
People are invited to apply for the position Parish Secretary for St Patrick's Catholic Church Gundagai. This is a part time permanent position 5 hours a week. Tuesday and Thursday.
Essential Requirements:
* Experience with financial and database packages
* Strong communication and liason skills
* Strong organisational skills
* Ability to work in a team environment and take direction
* Understanding and respect for the Catholic Church and its teaching
* Experience in an office environment
Salary will be subject to Clerk Award Level 4/5 rates. Please phone 0484 604 273 for a copy of the selection criteria and duty statement. Applications addressed to the Parish Priest Fr. George Ogah, St Patrick's Catholic Church Gundagai and must be received by 30th June 2019.
Week 6 Term 2
KINDERGARTEN/YEAR 1: Eliza Graham - Fantastic writing
YEAR 1/2: Montana Manns - Showing great sportsmanship at the athletics carnial competing in all events with a big smile
YEAR 3/4: Ellie McDonnell - Doing her best with a smile
YEAR 5/6: Lily McDonnell - Quick and accurate calculations and conversions of fractions to decimals
Week 7 - Term 2
KINDERGARTEN/YEAR 1: Harry Peterson - Improved presentation of written work
YEAR 1/2: Emma Ferguson - Showing on task behaviours - Keep it up!
YEAR 3/4: Hugh Ryan - Working well in his new learning pod
YEAR 5/6: Max Graham - Positive learning mindset
Congratulations to our Week 6 and Week 7 Wildcat Award Recipients
Week 6 - Term 2
RESPONSIBLE: Nate Tozer, Lachlan Morgan, Maggie Peterson, Molly McDonnell, Sarah Scott, Sadie Eccleston, Will Gaskin and Asher Jones
RESPECT: Darby Jones, Alexander Ryan, Amy Cotterill and Nate Tozer
SAFE: Jack Peterson, Benny Bartlett and Isaac Peace
Week 7 - Term 2
RESPONSIBLE: Amy Cotterill, Charlotte McDonnell
RESPECT: Christyne Calub
SAFE: Sarah Scott
Radio Presentation 2.30pm Wed |
19 June |
Will Gaskin Lincoln Fallon |
26 June |
Lily McDonnell Max Graham |
3 July |
Isaac Pearce Ella Nugent |
Altar Serving Saturday 6pm | 22 June |
Lincoln Fallon William Gaskin |
Juliet Pearce Jessica McDonnell |
6 July School Holidays |
Molly McDonnell Jack Peterson |
Meat Raffle | 14 June |
Mark Peterson Jeremy Pearce |
21 June |
Brad Smith Jock Graham |
28 June |
John Morgan Craig Ferguson |
5 July (Last Friday of Term) |
Cal Reardon El Williams |
Tuckshop Workers | 21 June |
Sarah Graham Renee Lindley |
28 June |
Sam Johnson Madeline Ryan |
5 July (Last day of Term 2) |
HELPER REQUIRED Leanne McDonnell |
Cookies | 21 June |
Bec Gaskin Shannon Bartlett |
28 June |
Ruth Quine Lauren Gailey |
5 July |
Jacki Fairall Michelle McDonnell |
Cupcake Monday | 24 June |
Leanne McDonnell Jess Nugent |
1 July |
Shannon Bartlett Lisa Ryan |