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- Assistant Principal Report
- REC News
- Condolences to the Somerville Family
- Writing Celebration
- School Fees Overdue
- School Uniforms
- Western Region Public Speaking
- Footy Colours Day - SRC Fundraiser
- Email Addresses
- Class Merit Award Recipients
- Wildcat Award Recipients
- Birthdays
- Rosters
- Wise Women's Words
- Brungle Memorial Hall Market Day
- National Photography Competition
Dear Parents, Children and Friends,
Welcome to week 8! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed “Family Week” last week and were able to in some way spend more time with your children without any set homework tasks to be completed.
Pirates Versus Mermaids
Each class has now been allocated their scenes for the whole school performance in week 7 next term. There are plenty of lines for the major parts to be learnt and songs to practice. Class letters outlining parts and costume requirements will be coming home shortly. We will be calling for parental assistance soon to help with props and costumes. Please contact the front office if you are able to assist in some way.
Grounds and Facilities Maintenance Position
Applications have now closed and interviews will take place this week. Thank you in advance to Craig Hargreaves for assisting with applications and being on the interview panel. An announcement will be made next week regarding the successful candidate.
3/4/5 Excursion to Canberra
The children are looking forward to this Friday’s excursion to Canberra’s Deep Space Communication Complex and The National Museum of Australia. Mr Ferguson and myself will be attending on the day and keep an eye out on Facebook for updates on any revised arrival time back in Gundagai. We aim to be back by 5pm. The bus will depart from the school bus stop at 7:00am please ensure your child arrives beforehand. Coolac pick up is at 7:15am. Please be on time.
Parental Support – Thank you!
A big thank you to all the parents who continue to support their children everyday in many ways. From assisting with homework, attending community council meetings and mass celebrations, providing transport to sporting events, working on tuckshop and helping with reading programs within classes. The staff and children really appreciate everything you do. Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment.
Family Mass
We look forward to celebrating as a parish and school community this Saturday night at 6pm, as we gather to give thanks and blessings to all our Sacramental children so far this year. We warmly welcome all our students and their families to attend.
Mrs Baron
We look forward to Mrs Baron’s return next week after attending the APPA (Australian Primary Principal’s Association) Conference
Writing Celebration
We would like to invite all parents, grandparents and family to our Writing Celebration in week 10 on Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th of September. The children of St Patrick’s will be showcasing their writing publications to the school community. K/1 and 1/2 writing will be showcased in the Burra room whilst 3/4 and 5/6 can be viewed in the Murrumbidgee room. Parents and friends can choose a time on any of these two days that suits them to visit and they are more than welcome to collect their child from class to read their writing publication to them.
We certainly are proud of our student’s writing achievements and we welcome you to view their work from 8:30 to 4pm on both days. There will be an opportunity for you to provide feedback on slips provided.
We look forward to seeing to all in week 10.
Have a lovely week,
Lisa Wilson
Assistant Principal
On Saturday night, we will celebrate our Family / Thanksgiving Mass. We look forward to coming together as a Parish community to thank God for enriching the lives of our children through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Reconciliation and for being part of God’s family. Thank you to all those who have offered to take a part in the Mass.
On Friday 30th August Mrs Baron, Father Namora and myself attended the Key Personnel Day in Canberra. The day began with an address from Archbishop Christopher Prowse who said, “the Holy Spirit is at work when we all work together. We need the entire community to work together to empower the young.”
Members of the Youth Ministry spoke about faith being a plan, a journey, a pathway. They used analogies to liken faith with sport. In Aussie Rules they use a term, ‘lower your eyes’ (so you can see what’s going on around you) and in ‘Rugby Union,’ the term ‘use it’, is often heard around the scrum base. These analogies have a real message for us all.
The day was inspiring and enlightening.
Our School Mass on Friday will be presented by Kinder and Year One. The theme of the Mass is Prayer. The children and Mrs Carberry are busy preparing. We know it will be a special occasion.
Walking with you in Faith and Knowledge,
Mrs. Howe
Condolences to the Somerville Family
The St Patrick's School Community send our deepest condolences to Betty, Damien, Claire and Skye Somerville for the recent passing of Mr Ian Somerville. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all throughout this difficult time.
We certainly are proud of our student’s writing achievements and we welcome you to view their work from 8:30 to 4pm on both days. There will be an opportunity for you to provide feedback on slips provided.
School fees are now due. We ask that you please contact the office to settle Term 3 school fees by 20th September. Should you be experiencing any difficulties then please do not hesitate to contact the office.
Western Region Public Speaking
Congratulations to Sarah Scott who represented our school on Monday at the Western Region Interschools Public Speaking competition.
Sarah has provided us with her report which is as follows:
At 9:30 we started the speak-off with 7 speakers in Yr 5. Me, Sarah being one of them talking about Riding a Bike on Public Roads with the topic of “DON’T TRY THIS”. It was tough competition all with the same topic children from Grenfell, Temora, Cootamundra, Adelong, Young and Boorowa.
There were some great speeches about history, dangers of poisoning, big families, social media, going to the moon and cutting your hair before school photos. I had a great day but not making it, coming forth out of seven.
- Sarah Scott Yr 5, Student from St Patrick’s.
Footy Colours Day - SRC Fundraiser
On the last day of this term, Friday 27th September, the SRC are holding a "Wear Your Footy Colours Day" to raise money to help kids who are fighting cancer. They ask that you bring a gold coin donation on the day, and wear any footy colours you might have at home - any footy code. It could be a jersey, jumper, t-shirt, shorts, hat or anything you might have at home. And, don't worry if you don't have any footy gear, if you have a favourite team, just wear something of that colour that you have at home. Thank you for your continued support.
We are in the process of updating our email contact list. If you have recently changed your email address, or if you have additional email addresses, please notify the office of any amendments.
Week 6 Term 3
KINDERGARTEN/YEAR 1: Emily Ryan for her quiet/responsible approach towards her learning
YEAR 1/2: Pippa Fitzgerald for having a happy smile and beautiful manners always
YEAR 3/4: Josie Quine Making valuable contributions to Trent Barrett Gala Day.
YEAR 5/6: Henry Hindmarsh for impressive problem solving skills and calculations
Week 7 - Term 3
KINDERGARTEN/YEAR 1: Savannah Manns for improved sentence writing
YEAR 1/2: Montana Manns showing improved on task behaviours, getting quality work completed
YEAR 3/4: Jess McDonnell for great learning attitude
YEAR 5/6: Abby McDonnell for continued enthusiam and commitment to her learning
Week 6 - Term 3
RESPONSIBLE - Riley Smith, Isabella Boswell, Indi Cole, Lachlan Hargreaves, Jezanna Winchester, Eliza Graham, Molly Lott, Tyler Manns, Dale Paton, Savannah Manns, Denver Blundell
RESPECT - Riley Smith, Indi Cole, Jack Paton
SAFE - Molly Lott
Week 7 - Term 3
RESPONSIBLE - Eliza Hargreaves, Tyler Manns, Molly Lott, Emma Brown, Ollie Crowe, Amy Cotterill, Montanna Manns, Lachlan Morgan, AB Ryan
RESPECT - Lilly Cotterill, Jezanna Winchester, Ollie Gailey, Eliza Hargreaves, Flynn Leane, Molly Lott, Conor Cotterill, Nate Tozer, Charlotte McDonnell, Pippa Fitzgerald
SAFE - Addison Fairall, Emma Brown
Many Happy returns to Gracie Peterson who celebrated her birthday on 3 September
We hope you had a wonderful day.
Radio Presentation 2.30pm Wed | 11 September |
Molly McDonnell Alix Kerin-Bayer |
18 September |
Henry Hindmarsh Benny Bartlett |
Altar Serving Saturday 6pm | 14 September |
Sarah Scott Lilly Cotterill |
21 September |
Lincoln Fallon Will Gaskin |
Meat Raffle | 13 September |
Kevin Paton Peter Gailey |
20 September |
Mark Peterson Jeremy Pearce |
27 September (Last day of Term) |
Brad Smith Craig Ferguson |
Tuckshop Workers | 13 September |
Ruth Quine |
20 September |
Sam Johnson Sarah Graham |
27 September (Last day of Term) |
Leanne McDonnell Brooke Kerin |
Cookies | 13 September |
Ruth Quine Shannon Bartlett |
20 September |
Michelle McDonnell Bec Gaskin |
27 September |
Lauren Gailey Jacki Fairall |
Cupcake Monday |
16 September |
Anita Manns Lisa Ryan |
23 September |
Shannon Bartlett Jess Nugent |