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Dear Parents,
This week is a very exciting week for St Patrick’s School as we present our school performance, Pirates v’s Mermaids. All hands are on deck this week to bring our school community the exciting story of Captain Scarypants and his band of trainee pirates who take on the feisty mermaids of the high seas!
Wednesday’s matinee performance is looking like a mostly full house with both Gundagai North and South Public Schools, pre-schools and other community groups attending the 11.30am performance. For any grandparents or family members wishing to attend the matinee performance, the Community Council will be offering morning tea from 10.30am until 11.15am for your benefit. Please come along and enjoy a cuppa and something to eat before you settle in for the play.
Thursday evenings performance begins at 6.00pm. We welcome all family and community members along to this special night-time show.
Thank you to all involved in celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday evening. It was a special evening with 10 children receiving communion for the first time. Special thanks to Mrs Howe for co-ordinating the beautiful Mass, Mr Ferguson and The Parish Sacramental team for preparing our students so well for this sacrament. Thank you also to parents for their ongoing support of their children over the past month.
Teachers are also in the midst of completing assessments and report writing. Semester Two reports are due to go home on Wednesday 4th December. Parents that wish to organise a parent/teacher meeting following the interviews will be provided with the opportunity during Week 9.
St Patrick’s award day will be held on Friday 13th December commencing at 9.30am. All family members are invited to attend this special event as we celebrate individual achievements from across the school year. This will be followed by our whole school Thanksgiving and Year 6 Graduation Mass at 12pm. This will be a special opportunity to celebrate many blessings and give thanks for a wonderful school year.
St Patrick’s school has also received Drought Assistance Funding from the Catholic Education office. We are delighted to inform families that the money will be distributed equally across all families and used to help reduce the Term 1, 2020 school fees. For those Year 6 families leaving us this year, the money will be refunded or taken off your account. We are extremely grateful to CE for their support and recognition of the ongoing effects the drought has had on our families and community.
Please continue to pray for rain.
See you on the high seas at ‘Me Hearty High School!’
Christine Baron
Thank you to all involved in celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on Saturday evening. It was a special evening with 10 children receiving communion for the first time. Special thanks to Mrs Howe for co-ordinating the beautiful Mass, Mr Ferguson and The Parish Sacramental team for preparing our students so well for this sacrament. Thank you also to parents for their ongoing support of their children over the past month.
Pirates vs Mermaids - School Performance
After weeks and weeks of practising lines, numerous rehearsals, building props for our stage our school performance is now upon us. Wednesday will be our first show with our Matinee starting at 11.30am. Community Council will be hosting morning tea from 10.30am - 11.15am for parents and grandparents.
We have a full house at our Matinee Show on Wednesday with Gundagai Public K,1,2, Gundagai South School and Gundagai Preschool attending for our very extertaining performance.
Thursday evening's performance will commence at 6pm and we are asking if all parents can have their children at the Hall by 5:30pm dressed in their costumes. If any of the mermaids are wearing make up this will need to be applied prior to performance by your parents on Thursday evening. Simone Jones & Michelle McDonnell have offered to assist with the mermaids make up on Wednesday. Thank you Simone & Michelle for your time.
This Thursday (28th November) will be our first swimming session for sport. The children are asked to make sure they pack their swimmers, rashie, goggles and sunscreen. Please ensure all clothing is marked with their name clearly written on each piece of clothing to avoid anything going missing.
For those that do not have a Season Pass at the Gundagai Swimming Pool could you please send in $2.00 for pool entry. This can be given to the class teacher. All swimming will be completed by 1pm.
Thank you to all families who have already settled their 2019 School Fees and to the families that pay weekly. This is a reminder that the school fees are due and we would ask that you please attend to payment as soon as possible. Should you be experiencing any difficulties then please do not hestiate to contact the office.
Community Council Monster Raffle
Just reminding our St Patrick's School Community that we are still selling raffle tickets and we have extended our selling period until early 2020. If all families could please return their sold (or unsold) raffle tickets and money to the office by Wednesday 11th of December - Thank you to all those families who have already returned their raffle books and money to the office we are very grateful.
Week 4 - Term 4
Kindergarten/Year 1 - Indi Cole for using effective spelling strategies in all her writing
Year 1/2 - Emma Ferguson for working hard in Mathematics and showing good knowledge of area
Year 3/4 - Oliver Gailey for responding postively to the challenge of the Maths Competition
Year 5/6 - Isaac Pearce
Week 5 - Term 4
Kindgergarten/Year 1 - Emma Brown for fantastic sentence writing and wonderful participation in all class activities
Year 1/2 - Garvita Joshi for displaying positive attitude to school this week
Year 3/4 - Hugh Ryan for working independently, cooperatively and asking and answering questions
Year 5/6 - Finlay Bock for writing an intriguing and unique Trilogy text
Kindergarten - Oliver Crowe
Year 1 - Charlie Brown
Year 1/2 - Jack Paton & Flynn Leane
Year 3/4 - Gracie Peterson and Jack Peterson
Year 5 - Sadie Eccleston
Year 6 - Molly McDonnell
Week 6 - Term 4
Kindergarten/Year 1 - Charlie Brown for showing a positive improvement in literacy and numeracy
Year 1/2 - Amy Cotterill for putting effort into her writing
Year 3/4 - Alec Bell-Magnone for working hard in all Key Learning Areas
Year 5/6 - Molly McDonnell for a heartfelt and inspirational leadership reflection
Week 5 - Term 4
RESPONSIBLE - Joey Gailey, Jack Paton, Darby Jones
RESPECT - Molly McDonnell, AB Ryan, Jack Ryan
SAFE - Archie McDonnell
Week 6 - Term 4
RESPONSIBLE - Amy Cotterill, Flynn Leane, Locky Eccleston, Reo Norden
RESPECT - Lachlan Morgan, Taite Johnson, Sadie Eccleston
SAFE - James Reardon
TUCKSHOP VOLUNTEERS Friday 29th November: Sarah Graham, Renee Lindley
COOKIES - Friday 29th November: Kate Graham & Simone Jones
CUPCAKE MONDAY 2nd December: Michelle McDonnell, Jess Nugent
FRIDAY VOLUNTEERS - 6th December: Leanne McDonnell, Alicia Hargreaves
COOKIES - Friday 6th December: Ruth Quine & Madeline Ryan
LAST CUPCAKE FOR 2019 - Monday 9th December: Anita Manns & Simone Jones
Saturday 30th November: Sarah Scott & Oliver Gailey
Week 7 (Wednesday 27th November) - Alix Kerin & Molly McDonnell
Week 8 (Wednesday 4th December) - Max Graham & Isaac Pearce