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Dear Parents,
The term is moving quickly along and we are grateful that to date, we have been able to operate in a reasonably regular capacity. Thank you to parents for their continued support in keeping children at home when they are unwell. It is greatly appreciated.
Our Little Learner’s Program has had a very positive start with approximately 10 children attending the program. Thank you to Tash Smith for providing an exciting program each week for our little people. Little Learners runs every Friday from 9.00am until 11.00am and is open to all children up to 5 years of age.
This Friday 14th August, we will host our 2021 Kindergarten Information session commencing at 9.30am at St Patrick’s School. Please encourage any family or friends with children ready to begin school next year, to come along and find out about our great little school. COVID regulations will be in place to ensure everyone’s safety.
Our 2021 Kindergarten Orientation dates have also been set and advertised for Term 4. Once again we ask your assistance in encouraging family and friends to send along any children that are ready for Kindergarten next year. Please see the dates in the newsletter.
Catholic Education, have offered the opportunity for our Year 3 and Year 5 students to particpate in the 2020 NAPLAN Reading and Writing practice assessments, with the data being collated by the office. This will be held in Weeks 6 and 7 of this term with a report being sent back to the school by the end of Term 3. Parents will not receive an individual NAPLAN report but the information will be used collectively by the school to inform teaching practice.
It is so wonderful to see the local creeks running and the Murrumbigee River filled with water after the lovely rain over the weekend. Please keep in your prayers those communities down the South Coast that have experienced torrential rain and flooding over the weekend. These communities have also suffered through devastating bushfires at the beginning of the year and continue to battle the elements of nature.
Best wishes for a wonderful week ahead.
Christine Baron
This Friday 14th AUGUST from 9.30am to 11.00am
1. Friday 30th October-9.00-12.15pm (bring recess) Children will be invited to participate in our Super Circus Program
2. Friday 6th November-9.00-12.15pm (bring recess)
3. Friday 13th November-9.00am-1.30pm (bring recess and lunch)
4. Friday 20th November-9.00-3.15pm (Full day)
Mary’s motto was ‘never see a need without doing something about it’.
The Feast of the Assumption
The Church celebrates the Feast of the Assumption of Our Lady on the 15th August. The Assumption signals the end of Mary’s earthly life and marks her return to heaven, body and soul, to be reunited with Jesus. This coming Friday at 12 noon Kinder, Year One, Year Five and Six will attend Mass to celebrate Our Lady’s special feast.
Making Jesus Real about Program
The children are enjoying meeting in their Peer Support Groups to participate in this program.
- using manners
- being kind and considerate
- having a positive attitude
- showing tolerance and understanding toward others
There have been great discussions about being ‘Happy Chappies’ and being WEST people (people who are Welcoming, Encouraging, able to say Sorry and say Thanks).
Please ask your children to tell you about the activities they complete on Friday afternoons. Each week they will bring home a personal reflection sheet with a thought, drawing or quote that they have found significant in the lesson. It is a great time to share.
Kate Howe
This Thursday 13th August the NRL has begun promoting a upcoming after school League Star's program which will be run in Gundagai over Term 3. The program is targeted towards both boys and girls between 5-12 years of age with a focus on developing fundamental movement skills in a fun inclusive environment. On Thursday we will have 2 "Leaguestars" skills sessions.
The NRL’s League Stars Program is coming to Gundagai for 6 weeks in Term 3!
This program is open to students aged from 5 to 12 years and costs only $99 per participant. The League Stars program caters for children of all abilities, with a focus on developing fundamental movement skills in a non-contact inclusive environment, through participation in Rugby League based games. The program is run by experienced NRL development coaches and staff.
Every participant will receive a cool League Stars pack which will include a backpack, ball, ball pump, shirt and stickers.
Where – Anzac Park, Gundagai
When - Tuesdays 4.00pm to 5.00pm, starting Tuesday the of 18th of August!
And with the intro clinic’s children can use their Active Kids Voucher !!!
To register link,
If you have previously registered with the Gundagai Adelong Junior Rugby League club using your Active Kids Voucher you can register for this session. If you follow the Gundagai Adelong Junior Rugby League Facebook page click on the facebook post advertising for the MySideline Program and select the League Stars (FREE Clinic) - Gundagai/Adelong Juniors only if you have an Active Kids Voucher already used for this season.
ALERT : Head Lice Case Reported
We have had a reported case of Head Lice at the school. We would ask that you please check your child's hair and treat with appropriate Head Lice Treatment as soon as possible. Please report all cases. If we all work together we can eliminate the problem quickly.
Little Learners Playgroup Program
Week 4 Theme - Colours of The Rainbow
This Friday from 9am-11am Tash Smith will have lots of games and activities for our little learners group. We provide the children and their families with a safe, comfortable and happy environment. Our focus is for children to feel comfortable, establish and build skills that will help them as they move into big school.
Morning Tea is provided to the parents and children on a Friday morning.
2021 Kindergarten Information Morning
Congratulations to our Week 2 and Week 3 class awards.
Week 2 - Friday 31st July
Kindergarten/Yr 1 - Molly Lott for positive active listening behaviour when her peers are sharing their ideas
Yr 2 - Archie McDonnell for reading with fluency and expression but also showing a high level of understanding of what he is reading
Yr 3/4 - Lachlan Morgan for his use of mental strategies to solve problems involving purchases and the calculation of change
Yr 5/6 - Ollie Gailey - for increasing initiative and maturity in and out of the class room
Congratulations to our Week 3 Wildcat Awards
SAFE - Locky Eccleston
RESPECTFUL - Jess McDonnell
Saturday Night Mass is now at 5pm during Winter months. Please arrive by 4:45pm
15th August - Asher Jones & Josie Quine
22nd August - Addison Fairall & Sophie Graham
29th August - Jack Peterson & Hugh Ryan
Tuckshop Roster
Friday 14th August - Madeline Ryan & Kate Graham
Friday 21st August - Simone Jones & Alicia Hargreaves
Friday 28th August - El Williams & Leanne McDonnell