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- Assistant Principal's Report
- REC News
- Emails to Staff
- COMPASS "Events"
- Morning Supervision
- Mortimer Shield Write Up
- Tell Them From Me Surveys (TTFM)
- Fine Motor Group
- ALERT : Head Lice Case Reported
- Alice the Musical
- Choir Teacher
- Biggest Morning Tea
- Radio News
- Altar Serving Roster
- Canteen Roster
- Birthdays
Dear Parents,
Welcome to Week 4! The school continues to be abuzz with lots of positivity and enthusiasm from the children towards their learning. They are well and truly settled into their school and class routines. A big thank you to our Year 6 leaders for setting a great example for the younger students to follow. Our leaders eagerly embrace their responsibilities and contribute so much to our school in terms of daily jobs, showing initiative, organising events and responding to a variety of playground situations. We thank them for setting a high standard and leading the way.
Thank you to parents who have wholeheartedly embraced COMPASS and use it on a weekly basis for school communication, giving consent for events or reporting absences. Thank you for being responsive to reading and actioning reminders, emails and alerts to events.
Health and Hygiene
With the annual cold and flu season upon us please ensure if your child displays any signs of illness, cold or flu like symptoms they remain at home. Please ensure your child brings their own drink bottle as the bubblers are only open to refill drink bottles.
Together we all have a responsibility to keep our school community safe.
Enrolling Now for 2023!
Enrolments for Kindergarten 2023 are now open! If you are intending to send your child next year OR know of any families looking for quality and contemporary education for their child please recommend us and complete the online enrolment link on our school website.
Arriving on Time to School
Just a timely reminder to try and have all children arrive on school grounds before the morning bell at 8:55am. Being present and on time for class morning messages and setting up for the day is vital for a productive start to learning.
Family Mass
We have received so much positive feedback from Father George and our Parish community regarding the energy and enthusiasm of the children that participated in the Family Mass on Saturday night. Thank you to Mrs Howe for all her preparation and ensuring the children were well prepared for this special Mass. Thank you to those families who were able to come along.
Many thanks for your continued support,
Lisa Wilson
Assistant Principal
Family Mass
Thank you to all our wonderful children and families who attended our Family Mass on Saturday night. We had grandparents, parents, aunties, uncles and special family friends that came to celebrate with us.
A special thank you to all those children who volunteered to play a part in the Mass. The readings, singing and offertory were so well done. We had so many positive comments about the way the children conducted themselves.
After communion the children who are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation were presented to the parish congregation.
Father George was thrilled to have so many of our St Patrick’s families in the church. He commented that we should have more of these family Masses, as they made him so happy.
Reconciliation Lessons
We keep these children in our prayers as they continue their preparation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated on Friday 27th May at 10 am.
Project Compassion Boxes
Thank you to all those who have sent back their project compassion boxes. It is not too late to send your boxes in. We would greatly welcome any other donations from our families.
Friday’s Mass
On Friday Year 3/4 and the Year 1/2 children will attend our Parish Mass. The Year 3/4 children will present the Mass. Thank you to Mr. Ferguson, Mrs. Flanagan and the children for the work they have undertaken to present to us a beautiful Mass.
Kate Howe REC
Just a reminder to our families again that Compass is our communication portal for communicating to parents of upcoming events, calendar notifications, absentee notes and where the Semester 1 Reports will be viewed (no more printed hard copies).
We currently have set two events in Compass that parents need to approve:
1. Kinder, Yr 1/2 - Biggest Morning Tea Thursday 19th of May
2. St Patrick's Athletics Carnival - Wednesday 25th May (Questions need to be answered and consent given)
If consent is not given via the Compass App the children will not attend events and will be supervised at school.
We remind parents to regularly check compass for messages, events or notifications.
Supervision of students begins at 8:40am each day from Monday to Friday. Students that arrive before 8:40am are asked to sit down outside their classroom and wait for the teacher on duty to begin supervision. Lately, we have noticed a number of students arriving very early to school. Please ensure that your child does not arrive before 8:30am for the safety of your child. Teachers are busy preparing work in the mornings and not able to provide supervision, outside this timeframe.
Our school entered two League Tag teams and one Tackle team to compete in Tumut. All teams thoroughly enjoyed the day and were most competitive and more importantly had fun!
A big thank you to Leanne McDonnell for managing the Year 6 girls and Kristen Bartlett for managing the Year 5 team. We are so fortunate to have these ladies volunteer their time and expertise to ensure the girl’s get a fair go and learn new skills in League Tag. Both managers reported how impressed they were by the girl’s teamwork and cooperation. Many of their games were very entertaining and their skills improved with each game.
Players of the Day were Gracie Peterson and Montanna Manns.
The Tackle team combined with St Joeys Adelong and managed by Mrs Wilson proved a handful and produced quite a few upsets on the day. They won against McAuley, Tumut Public and drew against Gundagai be equal first in Pool A, but on a countback in points played the second team in Pool B. Overall the boys should be very proud of the way in which they played the game and the sportsmanship displayed.
Player of the Day went to James Reardon.
Tell Them From Me Surveys (TTFM)
This term our school is trialling a fine motor program to students from Years 1-6. In consultation with Occupational Therapists and Mr Ferguson, Miss Smith, one of our valuable Classroom Support Assistants has been working with children from Monday to Wedneday for 15-20mins to develop this important part of our bodies.
Over the past couple of weeks students have attended daily fine motor sessions with a focus on improving hand and finger strength, dexterity, range of movement and control through a variety of activities. Our focus goal is to assist students to work on correct pencil grip, improve our handwriting and scissor skills for the classroom.
Some activities we have completed over the past two weeks include hand and finger warmups, putty exercises, tracing and copying pre-handwriting lines, folding and origami craft, manipulation, shaping and applying pressure to a range of materials to create student’s names and letters of the alphabet and participating in tweezing and moving variety of materials with different tools.
Some challenges last week included the feed the farm animal tong and tweezer grab, spinning top challenge and locating and removing hidden treasures in our Theraputty through squeezing and manipulation. In the coming weeks we will add different types of activities and challenges to our fine motor rotations and work with a larger variety of materials throughout these sessions.
We have Occupational Therapists to work with some students via Kurrajong and the Royal Far West on a weekly/fortnightly basis. These allied health professionals normally work 1:1 with our students and their families. This new program supports small groups of children over a number of days each week. It is hoped to roll the program across a different intake of children at a later date. If you have any questions or comments about this new initiative, please direct them to Mr Ferguson.
ALERT : Head Lice Case Reported
We have had a reported case of Head Lice at the school. We would ask that you please check your child's hair and treat with appropriate Head Lice Treatment as soon as possible. Please report all cases. If we all work together we can eliminate the problem quickly.
The following dates that have been set aside for the musical production in Week 9 of Term 3. Wednesday 14th September for a matinee performance and Thursday 15th September for a night performance.
Teachers will be in touch shortly to notify parents about costume requirements
Saturday Night Mass has moved to 5pm during the Winter Months. Could you please ensure the children who are rostered on are at the Church by 4.45pm. Thank you.
Saturday 4th June - Tahlira Rose & Corby Rose
Saturday 11th June - Hugh Ryan & Nick Quine
Saturday 18th June - AB Ryan & Joey Gailey
If your child is unable to do their rostered day could you please arrange to swap with another family then notify the office so we can contact Madeline Ryan to update the Bulletin. Thank you so much