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- Principal's Report
- Thank You
- Tell Them from Me (TTFM) Surveys
- Semester 1 Reports & Parent Teacher Interviews
- Condolences to Michelle McDonnell & Family
- Uniforms
- Beanies for Brain Cancer
- Save the Date : Book Fair Term 3
- Term 2 School Fees Reminder
- 2023 Kindergarten - Yr 6 Enrolments
- Gundagai Preschool Visit - Yr 6 Class
- Weekly Awards
- WildCat Awards Week 6 and Week 7 Term 2
- Dates for Calendar
- Radio News
- Canteen Roster
Dear Parents,
We hope our families enjoyed some relaxation time over the extra long weekend. The staff certainly appreciated the time last Friday to spend time re-engaging with Professional Development on the CATAYLST program and completing Module 4 of the High Impact Teaching Practices. Staff were able to review Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction and the Four Strands of High Impact Principle’s. Daily reviews are being incorporated into teaching practice along with other strategies to support Cognitive Load Theory.
WR ATHLETICS CARNIVAL: This Thursday, student representatives from Years 2-6 will head off to the WR Athletics Carnival at Cootamundra. We wish all our competitors a great day and look forward to hearing the results of the day.
WR CHOIR COMPETITION: On Thursday 23rd June, students in Year 5/6 who have joined our school choir, will head off to the WR Choir Competition that is being held at Hennessey Catholic College, Young. Our very grateful thanks are extended to Mrs Alicia Hargreaves who has been conducting the singing lessons with the support of Mrs Anne Field and Mrs Kate Graham. Our choir group has come a long way over the past few weeks and are nearly ready for the big event.
Tell Them From Me (TTFM) our online survey platform has been extended until Friday 17th June. This platform is open for all parents to provide feedback about St Patrick’s School. The information collected is a valuable tool to help us evaluate and plan ahead. Please use the link provided below to undertake the survey. We appreciate the input from our parents to help us as we plan for the 2023 school year.
Semester One Reports: Teachers are busily preparing student Semester One reports to be ready to go home in Week 9. Report gradings are based on assessment data that is regularly collected across Term 1 and 2. A final comment has been included in the report but please note that teachers are limited to 800 characters for comments. This year, parents will be asked to book an interview time via the COMPASS portal. The interview times will be available from next Monday 20th June.
Stay warm and enjoy the week ahead.
Christine Baron
Tell Them from Me (TTFM) Surveys
We would like to invite you to complete the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey. As we value the role of parents and carers within our school community we would greatly appreciate your feedback. The information you provide will be used to maintain our commitment to working together in partnership to further improve student learning and wellbeing at St Patrick’s School Gundagai.
The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. You are able to access the parent survey on your computer or mobile device by using the URL below:
Survey has been extended until this Friday 17th of June
Semester 1 Reports & Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to the parents who have been sending their children to school in lovely warm coats/jackets while the weather has been bitterly cold. If at all possible when parents are purchasing coats could you please ensure they are Navy, Black or Bottle Green as these colours are part of our school uniform policy. Please only do so when and if you need to purchase a new one.
We have been informed by our Community Council that they are in the process of sourcing good quality parkers as part of the winter uniform so we will advise our parents on the progress of this as soon as we have more information.
Save the Date : Book Fair Term 3
SAVE THE DATE - Our Annual Book Fair this year will be held during Week 1 and 2 of Term 3. Parents will be able to view the books for sale during that week of school at recess, second half of lunch or after school if unable to come during school hours. The students will have time during the day to check out all the books and create their "wish list".
The Book Parade and morning tea will be held in Week 10 (day and date to be confirmed later in the term)
Just a reminder that Term 2 School Fees are due in Week 10. Thank you to the families that have made payment and continue to make regular weekly/fortnightly payments.
2023 Kindergarten - Yr 6 Enrolments
- Parents tab
- Enrolment tab
Please ensure you attach copies of Birth Certificate, Immunisation Certificate and Baptism Certificate.
Gundagai Preschool Visit - Yr 6 Class
It is with much excitment that we advise our Yr 6 children and parents that we will be visiting Gundagai Preschool on Thursday 30th of June at 10.15am (after softball). We have not been able to visit Gundagai Preschool during Covid so it is exciting news. The children along with Mrs Baron will walk to the Preschool and spend the morning playing games and reading to the Preschool children.
Congratulations to our Week 6 and Week 7 Weekly Class Awards
Week 6 - 3rd June 2022
Kindergarten - Josie Lott for her enthusiam and increased class particpation
Year 1/2 - Harrison Barton for his fluent and expressive writing
Year 3/4 - Emma Ferguson for being more settled and focused in class
Year 5/6 - Darby Jones for his insightful and reflective reading responses in Literacy
Student of the Month
Kindergarten - Harley Rose
Year 1 - Archie Peterson
Year 2 - Leila Gaskin
Year 3 - Indi Cole
Year 4 - Joey Gailey
Year 5 - Abigail Bock
Year 6 - Sophie Graham
Principal's Awards
Lottie Worldon, Parker Melksham, Oliver Crowe and Eliza Hargreaves
Week 7 - 9th June 2022
Kindergarten - Ryan Robinson
Year 1/2 - Anna Murphy for showing initiative in the classroom & displaying a kind and caring attitude towards her peers
Year 3/4 - Andrew Cole for improving fine and gross motor
Year 5/6 - Emmy Gaskin for pleasing improvements in reading and spelling
WildCat Awards Week 6 and Week 7 Term 2
Responsible - Denver Manns, Mackenzie Little
Respectful - Imogen Graham, Josie Lott, Maeve Ryan, Andrew Cole, Fletcher Smith, Harrison Barton, Ryan Robinson, Mackenzie Little, Leila Gaskin, Lottie Worldon, Claudia Worldon, Denver Manns and Hugh Ryan
Safe - Lachlan Morgan
* Pupil Free Day - Friday 1st of July (NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS)
* Term 3 Commences (Students) - Tuesday 19th July
* Book Fair Week - Starting Week 2 Term 3 - Monday 25th July - Thursday 28th July
* Year 5/6 Excursion - Monday 1st of August - 4th August
If you would like to volunteer to work in the canteen on Friday's or be one of our cookie mums for Term 3 and Term 4 please let the front office know as Alicia Hargreaves our fantastic canteen coordinator will be preparing our Term 3 Roster shortly. We are always looking for new helpers.
Friday 17th June
Canteen Helpers : Simone Jones & Jacki Carberry
Cookies: El Williams, Simone Jones and Michelle McDonnell
Friday 24th June (Last Canteen for Term 2)
Canteen Helpers: Silvia Sedrak & Kate Graham
Cookies: Louise Crowe, Sam Johnson & Cal Reardon